Westcliff Shooting Range – Fable II

This guide will help you become a crack shot at the Westcliff Shooting Range in Fable II.

Westcliff Shooting Range Walkthrough

fable ii westcliff shooting range quest 1

Ready to test your mettle at the Westcliff Shooting Range? Good sport. You’ll find the range at the center of the Westcliff map, right next to a body of water. The premise here is simple – shoot as many cardboard targets as you can over the course of three rounds. Shooting a target in the head is worth 3 points, while hitting it anywhere else is worth 1 point.

If you’re participating in the shooting contest without completing the Westcliff Development quest, then you’ll be shooting at the citizen targets. However, if you became Barnum’s business partner and have returned from the Tattered Spire to a much more family-friendly Westcliff, then you’ll be shooting at the larger bandit targets. It makes things a little easier, so I’d highly recommend investing into Barnum’s scheme and doing your time as one of Lucien’s guards before trying for the range’s top prize.

Prizes, you say? Yep. The more points you score over three rounds of shooting, the better reward you’ll receive. There are six tiers to the range’s reward scheme:

fable ii westcliff shooting range quest 2

Getting 1st or 2nd place takes a bit of practice, but it can definitely be done. About the only character-related advantage you can have is the Speed ability, so make sure you invest some points into that before trying for the top prizes. Your weapon type will also have some effect, since each has a different ammo capacity and reload time. Make sure you pick a fast weapon with a high ammo capacity, such as a Master Repeater Crossbow or Master Turret Rifle. The doll you receive for 2nd place is tied to your copy of Fable II, meaning that no matter how many times you take 2nd place or how many different characters you try it with, you’ll always receive the same doll. To collect all the dolls for The Dollcatcher achievement, you’re going to have to arrange some trades with other players online.

Good luck!

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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