Excavation – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Excavation quest in Fable III.

Excavation Walkthrough

fable iii excavation 1

This quest becomes available after killing Rys in Peace, Love, and Homicide. Lesley, your totally-evil pal, will have found a way past the magical flame barrier in Mourningwood, and has discovered it leads to the Dark Sanctum, a… well, I think the name says it all. Head past the gate you met him at previously, and you’ll come across some rather foreboding temple ruins. Speak to him and pay him the necessary 5,000 gold – likely a trivial sum at this point – to hire some workers for the excavation job.

For your assistance, you’ll get a modest 5 Guild Seals, and will open up the subsequent quest Awakening.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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