Silver Chests – Fable III

Welcome to our Fable III silver chests section!

Silver Chests return in Fable III, as is expected. These chests, as their name implies, require Silver Keys to open, with many requiring 15 or more out of the 50 Silver Keys in the game. Fortunately, you don’t use up Silver Keys upon opening a Silver Chest, so the requirement is cumulative – you don’t have to pick and choose which of these to open. Finding every last Silver Key can be a challenge, but most of the Silver Chests only require 1-20 to open, and even the lesser ones contain some fairly compelling rewards.

Silver Chests Locations

Bowerstone Castle 1/1

fable iii bowerstone castle 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 50
Contents: 2 million gold and a random Legendary Weapon

After becoming ruler of Albion, head off into the courtyard behind Bowerstone Castle. Make your way to the entrance to the Catacombs, then turn right, and you’ll find this “ultimate” Silver Chest past a fountain.

Bowerstone Market 1/1

fable iii bowerstone market 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 15
Contents: 20 Guild Seals

In the Bowerstone Market square, near the job boards, there is an alleyway between Bower Threads and The Cock in the Crown. The Silver Chest is in that alley.

Bowerstone Industrial 1/2

fable iii bowerstone industrial 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents: 5 Slow Time Potions

Head over to Reaver’s factory, the one where you see the man shot during the beginning of The Bowerstone Resistance quest. To find this Silver Chest, climb the catwalks to the very top.

Bowerstone Industrial 2/2

fable iii bowerstone industrial 2 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents: 50,000 gold

Check a small walled-in courtyard across the bridge opposite The Riveter’s Rest tavern for this Silver Chest.

Brightwall Village 1/2

fable iii brightwall village 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 10
Contents: 50,000 gold

This chest is outside Brightwall Academy, near the fountain, but it’s within some hedges you can’t climb over. To get there, head back down the hill and climb up the nearby staircase, next to the stall vendors, then circle around.

Brightwall Village 2/2 (The Reliquary)

fable iii brightwall village 2 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 1
Contents: Dog Training: Combat 2

Upon entering The Reliquary from the Brightwall Academy, turn into the left wing for the first Silver Chest.

City of Aurora 1/1

fable iii city of aurora 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 20
Contents: Random Legendary Weapon

Exiting the temple, take a sharp right to find this Silver Chest nestled in the corner.

Dweller Camp 1/1

fable iii dweller camp 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents: 10 Guild Seals, Health Potion

Head from Sabine’s encampment and take a short walk up the left side of the Dweller Camp to find this Silver Chest sitting on a ridge underneath the mountainside.

Millfields 1/1

fable iii millfields 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 20
Contents: Random Legendary Weapon

You’ll find this Silver Chest pretty easily just beyond the Demon Door; look for the statue of a man looking through a spyglass, and you’ll find the Silver Chest right at his feet.

Mistpeak Valley 1/2

fable iii mistpeak valley 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 5
Contents: 10 Guild Seals, Summon Creatures Potion

Exiting from the Dweller Camp, follow the path down the mountainside until you get to a small three-way crossroads with a signpost, just past a wooden gate. Take the right-hand path up – you’ll know you’re going the correct way if you find yourself climbing a long wooden catwalk along the cliffside. Follow the winding path up to the top of the mountain; the Silver Chest is near to another bridge, overlooking the Valley.

Mistpeak Valley 2/2 (Chillbreath Caverns)

fable iii mistpeak valley 2 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 15
Contents: 75,000 gold

Enter Chillbreath Caverns from the lower entrance, following the path up from the lake and sticking to the left all the way up. You’ll find the Silver Chest by following the path through the caverns; when you come across a fork, be sure to take the left one. Continue along the path and out of the cavern to find a Gold Key.

Mourningwood 1/1

fable iii mourningwood 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 10
Contents: Random Legendary Weapon

Exiting from The Hole, follow the path towards the Mourningwood Fort until you cross the bridge. Instead of heading down below, climb up the hill at the end of the bridge and then follow the way to the left. The Silver Chest is overlooking the path below.

Shifting Sands 1/1

fable iii shifting sands 1 silver chest

Silver Keys Required: 10
Contents: 50,000 gold

You’ll find this Silver Chest fairly easily while exploring Shifting Sands. Head towards the giant stone archway in the middle of it, climb up a hill on the right-hand side, and you’ll find the chest sitting on a ledge overlooking the dunes.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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