Walkthrough – Fable III

Welcome to our Fable III walkthrough!

Fable III is a massive game, and one which has just about as much optional content as it does main story content, if not more. Much of the game is focused on exploration of the world, finding secrets, interacting with the people of Albion, and so forth. Adding to the difficulty of providing a comprehensive guide for Fable III is that there are no in-game maps to speak of, which means that it’s hard to do the usual GameBanshee trademark map-oriented style of walkthrough.

To get around this unfortunate fact, this walkthrough will be broken down by quest, with optional side-content, treasure, and so forth detailed in their respective sub-pages. Demon DoorsSilver ChestsSilver and Gold Keys will occasionally appear on the beaten path, and the walkthrough will highlight these, but the primary focus is on one thing – getting you through the game in one piece, detailing any hints or tips that might be useful in more difficult battles, and letting you know where the key decision-making points in the story are.

As usual, if you see anything in this guide which is incorrect, needs revision, or simply could use some adding to, please feel free to let us know!

Collectibles and Secrets

Helpful Info


Bowerstone (Prologue)

Brightwall & Mistpeak




Bowerstone (Return)

365 Days Left

339 Days Left

294 Days Left

252 Days Left

121 Days Left


Main Game Side Quests

Traitor’s Keep

Traitor’s Keep Side Quests

Understone Quest Pack

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

Articles: 10018

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