Fable III Previews

A few more sites got a chance to try out Fable III at E3 and share their impressions with us in shorter or longer takes. All Things Fangirl basically sums up the new stuff, and also put up some short videos.

– Instead of having a whole wheel of gestures (which was confusing for many), you now have specific gestures to pick from depending on the person & situation and it’s a whole lot simpler to get someone to like you. While I quite enjoyed the wheel, I also mastered it with my 40 hours of gameplay. But for a lot of people. I imagine it was just confusing and annoying. So simple = just fine with me.

Gamer Tell.

Many features have been streamlined in Fable III. For example, your inventory is no longer a horrible, laundry list of a menu you have to wade through. Instead, you’re taken to a virtual dressing room of sorts with multiple doors. Each door represents a menu item, such as costumes, weapons, or consumables.

Spawn Kill.

The sloppy magic system of Fable II has also been revamped heavily. Now you wear spell gauntlets. Wearing a fire gauntlet on the left hand will allow you access to shooting fireballs, but wearing a fire gauntlet on your left hand and a lightning gauntlet on the other will cause the spell to fuse together and create an all-new powerful spell to use. All of the gauntlets that you will find throughout the game will be able to create fused spells.

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