Heroes’ Guild – Fable: The Lost Chapters

This guide will help you explore the Heroes’ Guild area in Fable: The Lost Chapters.

Heroes’ Guild Map

fable tlc heroes guild map

Area Overview

1 – Guild Hall

There are lots of things to do in the Guild Hall, but unfortunately the mini-map doesn’t really show the divisions of the rooms, and so it might take a while for you to learn your way around.

On the western side of the hall, you’ll find the guildmaster, the quest map, the experience shrine, a cullis gate, the staircase to the upper floor, and the exit to Lookout Point (Exit A). Use the quest map to select quests to go on, and use the experience shrine to spend your experience once you’ve earned some. The cullis gate (a teleporter) won’t become active until you’ve found a second gate that you can move to.

Note: When you first visit the quest map, you’ll see quests for “Snow Troll Attack,” “Suppress Uprising,” and “Minion Camp.” These are just quests to make the Heroes’ Guild look like a busy place. You won’t ever be able to accept them.

On the eastern side of the hall, you’ll find the dining area and Alfie the innkeeper. Alfie stocks some produce and gifts, but you won’t get a good price from him.

On the southern side of the hall, you’ll find Dylan the shopkeeper. Dylan carries a little bit of everything, and he’s a decent enough source for potions.

On the northern side of the hall, you’ll find the library and the exit to the Guild Caves and the Chamber of Fate (Exit B). There isn’t much reason to enter the caves or the chamber just yet. In the library you can find several books: The Pale BalverineThe Hierarchy of WeaponsThe Other Land, Creatures of Albion (books I, II, and III), The Old KingdomThe Northern WastesThe Tale of TwinbladeThe Dragons, and The Arena.

Upstairs in the guild hall, you’ll find three dormitories. If you search the shelves there you’ll find three books — Three Haikus by Miko the BardThe Tale of Maxley, and A Love Story — plus a Kryndon Tattoo.

2 – Kitchen

3 – Maze’s Tower

Upstairs in Maze’s room you can find two books — Jack of Blades and A History of the Guild (TLC).

4 – Silver Chest

The chest requires 20 silver keys. Inside you’ll find The Murren Greathammer.

5 – Fishing Ripple (TLC)

If you fish here you’ll find a blue mushroom. The mushroom is required for the Sick Child quest. See that entry in the TLC Other Quests section for details.

6 – Demon Door

This is Demon Door #1 in the Demon Doors section. Beyond the door you’ll find an elixir of life, a Howl Tattoo, and two books — the Book of Spells (in the shelves) and Making Friends (on the table).

7 – Cyril (TLC)

Cyril is a part of the Sick Child quest. See that entry in the TLC Other Quests section for details.

8 – Fishing Ripple

If you fish here you’ll catch a silver key.


  1. Exit to Lookout Point.
  2. Exit to the Guild Caves and the Chamber of Fate.
  3. Path between the Heroes’ Guild and the Guild Woods.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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