Hook Coast – Fable: The Lost Chapters

This guide will help you explore the Hook Coast area in Fable: The Lost Chapters.

Hook Coast Map

fable tlc hook coast map

Area Overview

1 – Cullis Gate

2 – Marital Home

You can buy the home for 29,000 gold coins.

3 – Lighthouse

On the main floor of the lighthouse, you can find a silver key and 500 gold coins. If you climb all the way to the top, then you can find a silver chest with The Murren Greataxe inside.

4 – Houses

If you rob all of the houses, you’ll find several useful things.

5 – General Store

In the room above the store you can find a will potion.

6 – Blacksmith’s Shop

In the room beside the shop you can find 500 gold coins.

7 – Tavern

Inside the tavern you can play “shove ha’penny,” which is sort of like shuffleboard. If you get a good enough score in the game, then you’ll win a Maze Hero Doll (see the Collect the Hero Dolls entry in the Fable Other quests section for details).

Upstairs, you can sleep in a bed for 200 gold coins. If you search the dressers and cabinets up there, you’ll also find a Plaits style card, a health potion, and two books — The Sock Method and The Dragons.

8 – Ruined Abbey

9 – Bell

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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