Damage Effects – Fallout 2

While playing Fallout 2, your character can sometimes take a serious injury, usually as the result of a critical hit. These Damage Effects are described in the table below.

fallout 2 damage effect icon crippledleftarmCrippled Left ArmYour character’s left arm has been severely hurt, and cannot function well. If one arm has been crippled, you cannot use two-handed weapons. If both arms have been crippled, you cannot attack with weapons.
fallout 2 damage effect icon crippledleftlegCrippled Left LegYour character has a crippled left leg. [If one leg has been crippled, moving in combat costs 4 AP per hex rather than 1 AP. If both legs have been crippled, you cannot move in combat at all.]
fallout 2 damage effect icon crippledrightarmCrippled Right ArmYour character’s right arm has been severely hurt, and cannot function well. If one arm has been crippled, you cannot use two-handed weapons. If both arms have been crippled, you cannot attack with weapons.
fallout 2 damage effect icon crippledrightlegCrippled Right LegYour character has a crippled right leg. [If one leg has been crippled, moving in combat costs 4 AP per hex rather than 1 AP. If both legs have been crippled, you cannot move in combat at all.]
fallout 2 damage effect icon eyedamageEye DamageThis means your character has been seriously hit in one or both of your eyes. This effects your Perception.
fallout 2 damage effect icon poisonedPoisonedYour character has been poisoned. Poison will do damage over a period of time, until cured or it passes from your system.
fallout 2 damage effect icon radiatedRadiatedYour character is suffering from a significant amount of radiation poisoning. The more radiation damage, the more deadly the effect.
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