Fallout: New Vegas Preview

Destructoid is offering up a short set of “Jimpressions” for Fallout: New Vegas, which technically just amounts to a four-paragraph preview. Two of the four:

Naturally, I had to check out Fallout: New Vegas at PAX Prime to see how it was coming along, and I bring you word that it is indeed coming along very well. At this stage, it’s fair to say that New Vegas and Fallout 3 are almost identical twins in the gameplay department, but that really shouldn’t matter to fans of the last title. V.A.T.S is still in place, you can still shoot in real-time, and it’s still sexy to see a man’s head getting shot off.

One thing I really like about New Vegas is the subtle aesthetic changes. While Fallout 3 went with a grey/green style, New Vegas is very brown and orange. I know that “brown” games are looked down upon this generation, but it’s beautiful in a bleak way with New Vegas, and the orange hues make it look a lot more like the original Fallout games than Fallout 3 did.

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