With a commonwealth filled with giant mutated bugs, zombie like ghouls, and waste landers that shoot first and ask questions later, it is best to arm yourself with the array of weapons Fallout 4 has to offer! From old fashioned revolvers and baseball bats to plasma guns that’ll turn that crazed switchblade wielding lunatic into a green pile of goo, you’re bound to find the weapon that’s right for you!
One of the many great features in Fallout 4 is the ability to modify your weapons. Want to sneakily assassinate the 5 super mutants blocking your way? Slap a suppressor on your pistol and become 007! Fan of Zombie movies? Become a Ghoul slayer and add some nails to that baseball bat of yours. While these examples may seem basic in terms of creativity, the possibilities are near endless with the power of the Weapons workbench!
How to modify weapons: Like the Armor workbench, you can craft a Weapons workbench at any owned settlement or find them throughout the wasteland. To access advanced mods, you must unlock the Gun Nut perk for ballistic weapons, Blacksmith for melee weapons, and Science! for energy weapons.
Legendary/Unique Weapons
Just like armor, “legendary weapons” with randomized perks can be found off legendary enemies throughout the game. These enemies can be distinguished by a star near there name when engaged in combat, as well as the mutation aura radiating from them. These special perks can be anything from plasma bullets to extra damage against robots.
Unique named weapons can also be found on some named NPCs or obtained in certain quests. Sometimes these weapons may be the only of it’s kind in game such as the “Deliver” which is a unique silenced pistol only obtainable through the railroad questline, or “Grognaks Axe” which can be found in a Commonwealth comic book store. Keep an eye out for the many special weapons you can find out there!
Best Weapons for Early Game
Just because you’re a noob to the wasteland doesn’t mean you have to start with noob weapons! Here are a handful of great weapons you can find moments after exiting Vault 111.
Right before exiting the Vault, you’ll notice a strange weapon master locked behind a security case. That’s the cryolator; a unique weapon that freezes your enemies! To get this right away you must level up your lockpicking ability.. Or you can find the companion Dogmeat at Red Rocket Truckstop down the road from Sanctuary, and ask him to get it for you! Once you get Dogmeat, bring him back to Vault 111 and ask him to “fetch” items for you. He will then run up to the Cryolator’s case and pull it out. Voila! You now have a powerful weapon and an ice-cream machine at level 1.
Cryolator CaseCryolator
.44 Pistol
A hard-hitting revolver useful early on and decent going into late game. Just west of Sanctuary by the lake leading toward concord is an unmarked location called “Water filtration caps stash”. At this location, you will find a skeleton by the shore that has a snubnosed variant of the .44 pistol. Raiders may think twice at attacking after seeing the heat you’re packing!
Don’t let the name fool you! The minigun is a massive machine gun that throws thousands of rounds out in a short amount of time. You can get one by helping the Minutemen in Concord down the road in Sanctuary. You will obtain this and a set of T-45 power armor to take the raiders on and a little surprise hiding beneath the town.
Spray n’ Pray
Al Capone would be proud. The Spray n’ Pray is a powerful weapon that’s extremely effective well into late game. It’s a legendary variant of the Submachine gun that is suppressed and fires explosive bullets! With a high capacity magazine and increased limb damage, this weapon is perfect for crowd control. The only way to get ahold of this death machine is to buy it from the caravan merchant, Cricket. The quickest way to find her is to go to “Bunker Hill”, a medium sized trading settlement marked by a massive tower monument in the heart of Boston. It may cost a pretty penny, so start saving caps!
Righteous Authority
One of the first unique weapons you can get ahold of in the main quest line. Righteous Authority is a laser rifle that grants double damage for critical hits and fills the crit meter 15% faster while using VATS. If you travel south east of Concord, you’ll eventually pick up a distress signal on your pip-boy radio from Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, Danse. By helping him in the quests “Fire Support” and “Call to Arms”, he will grant you his personal laser rifle. If playing a character with average to high luck, this weapon will be extremely powerful in the right hands and it’ll keep the damn super mutants down for good!
Junk Jet
In a world where mass production is a thing of the past, ammo is scarce… or is it? Introducing the Junk Jet! A weapon that fires items instead of bullets! From a metal fork to a fluffy teddy bear; this Fallout 3 classic will take almost any item you find out in the commonwealth as ammunition. This weapon is also obtained through the quest “Call to Arms”. At one point, you must activate emergency power in the facility you clear with Paladin Danse. You’ll find the Junk Jet on a table near the power terminal. With this unusual weapon, you’ll never have to worry about ammo again!
Grognak’s Axe
For all you comic book fans, Grognak’s axe is a perfect collectible/weapon to show off to all your friends and enemies! This melee weapon’s attacks stagger enemies and also grants a bleed effect which is very useful in drawn out fights. The axe can be found east of Diamond City in the Hubris Comics shop. There are several feral ghouls in this location, so be cautious. Behind the front desk is an advanced level lock that can easily be picked by obtaining rank 1 of the locksmith perk. Happy hunting, you crazy barbarian!
Overseer’s Guardian
Another easily obtainable legendary that costs a hefty price of 3000 caps. The Overseer’s Guardian is a unique combat rifle that does the damage of 2 bullets in 1 shot. In early game, this weapon helps conserve precious ammo while also dealing a lot of damage! It can be obtained from Alexis Combes, a merchant in Vault 81; located directly west of Diamond City. It should be noted that in order to enter Vault 81, you must either deliver 3 fusion cores to the Overseer, or persuade entry with a speech check (May require an above level of Charisma)
Rockville Slugger
Another powerful melee weapon that can easily be obtained early into the game. This is a unique nailed’ baseball bat that uses 40% less AP in VATS on top of its armor piercing effect- making it a highly stat efficient weapon. The slugger can be obtained by Moe. A baseball bat (swatter) Merchant found in Diamond City. At a moderate price of 800-900 caps, this unique weapon is pretty affordable for players just starting out.
Ol’ Faithful
If Righteous Authority isn’t cutting it for you, don’t fret! There’s another powerful laser rifle available early into the game. Like the Rockville Slugger, “Ol’ Faithful” is available from a Diamond City gun merchant named Arturo for about 1000 caps. This laser rifle does double damage to full health enemies, giving you an extra kick at the start of the firefights to come!
Weapon Types
Ballistic Weapons
In a post-apocalyptic future, it can be hard to embrace a new age with laser and plasma weapons. Not to worry, because everyone’s favorite problem solvers are in Fallout 4: ballistic weapons; or as we know them commonly as guns and bullets.
10mm Pistol
Base DMG: 18
Ammo: 10mm round
.44 Pistol
Base DMG: 48
Ammo: .44 round
Flare Gun
Base DMG: 10
Ammo: Flare (The Flare Gun is normally used to signal minutemen support)
Ballistic Rifles
Assault Rifle
Base DMG: 30
Ammo: 5.56mm
Combat Rifle
Base DMG: 33
Ammo: .45 round
Gauss Rifle
Base DMG: 110
Ammo: 2mm EC
Hunting Rifle
Base DMG: 37
Ammo: .308 round
Railway Rifle
Base DMG: 100
Ammo: Railway spike
Submachine Gun
(We know an SMG is not a rifle but since it’s the only one of its kind we’re lumping it with its cooler longer-range cousins)
Base DMG: 10
Ammo: .45 round
Combat Shotgun
Base DMG: 50
Ammo: Shotgun shell
Double-barrel Shotgun
Base DMG: 45
Ammo: Shotgun shell
Pipe Weapons
Pipe bolt-action
Base DMG: 34
Ammo type: .308 round
Pipe gun
Base DMG: 13
Ammo type: .38 round
(Note: This gun can be modified to become an SMG
Pipe Revolver
Base DMG: 24
Ammo type: .45 round
Heavy Weapons
Fat Man
Base DMG: 486
Ammo type: Mini nuke
(not internet trolls)
Base DMG: 12
Ammo type: Flamer fuel
Junk Jet
Base DMG: 40
Ammo type: Junk items (pretty much everything)
Base DMG: 8
Ammo type: 5mm round
Missile launcher
Base DMG: 150
Ammo type: Missile
Base DMG: 108
Ammo type: Cannonball
Energy Weapons
The future is now, old man. Make like a stormtrooper and journey the wasteland with a laser rifle in your hands. If you’re lucky and manage to hit someone, you’ll be graced with the satisfaction of turning your foes into a pile of ash (or goo).
Laser Weapons
Institute laser
Base DMG: 15
Ammo type: Fusion cell
(Can be modified to become a rifle)
Laser musket
Base DMG: 30
Ammo type: Fusion cell
Laser Gun
Base DMG: 24
Ammo type: Fusion cell
Gatling Laser
Base DMG: 14
Ammo type: Fusion core
(Can be modified to become a rifle)
Plasma Weapons
Plasma Gun
Base DMG: 24
Ammo type: Plasma cartridge
(Can be modified to become a rifle)
Other Weapons
Alien Blaster Pistol
Base DMG: 50
Ammo type: Alien blaster round or Fusion Cell
Base DMG: 20
Ammo type: Cryo cell
Gamma Gun
Base DMG: 110 (Radiation damage)
Ammo type: Gamma round
Melee Weapons
Prefer being up close and personal? Pick your melee weapon and take your problems head on! (No pun intended)