Freedom Force Review

Just in case you still havne’t decided whether or not to buy Freedom Force, head on over to Four Fat Chicks for the latest review of the superhero RPG. Check it out:

    Ah, the gameplay, you ask. Irrational Games refers to it as a tactical RPG, and, well, it is, sort of. By no means is it your standard Dungeons and Dragons kind of RPG, although the basic structure is present, in a limited fashion. Before starting a mission you have to choose your party (squad, team, or whatever name you prefer). Each mission has both primary and secondary objective(s). The secondary objective(s) are optional they are there for you to gain prestige points, which in turn can be used to recruit new members to the FF fold. Primary objectives must be completed in order to advance, and depending on your success rate these determine how many experience points are gained. Experience points are used to “level up” team members upon completion of a mission.
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