Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Interview

TotalVideoGames has published an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, in which the designer talks about the technology and design behind Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Check it out:

Q: The superpowers of the cast are central so how do you go about creating them?

A: In general, there’s no real set process we follow. Probably the most common one is that design will take a look at one of the new characters that Robb is concepting. They’ll often ask me for a little piece of their original story and perhaps the focus of their powers. From there, they try to come up with powers that fit the character’s tone. Some powers are almost no-brainers. Take Tombstone’s ‘˜Possession’, for example. I mean, how can you create a character from beyond the grave and not give him the ability to jump into an ememy’s body?

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