Freedom Force vs. Third Reich

Freedom Force Demo Impressions

IanStorm has whipped up some impressions of Irrational Games’ recently released Freedom Force demo. Their conclusion: Freedom Force is a rare title that you won’t see everyday, even if you aren’t into super heroes and comics this shouldn’t stop you…

Freedom Force Demo

Irrational Games has released two official demos (one with sound and one without) for their superhero RPG, Freedom Force. You’ll find both demos on FilePlanet, with the larger one residing here and the smaller one residing here.

Freedom Force Interview has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, asking the developer several questions about Freedom Force and, slightly, about System Shock 2. Here’s a snip: Q: How do the RPG elements work and how deep do they go?…

Freedom Force Screenshots

GameSpyDaily has tossed up a half dozen new screenshots from Irrational Games’ superhero RPG, Freedom Force.

Freedom Force As A Development Platform?

A new article on discusses the use of Freedom Force as a development platform, with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine even mentioning the possibility of two sequels in the article. Here ya go: During the course of the conversation, Ken…

Freedom Force Character Artwork

GameSpyDaily has gotten their hands on thirty new pieces of superhero character artwork from Irrational Games’ RPG, Freedom Force.

Freedom Force Screenshots

X-Treme Gaming Radio has posted two dozen new screenshots from Irrational Games’ superhero RPG, Freedom Force.

Freedom Force Hands-On Impressions

IGN PC has put together some hands-on impressions of Freedom Force after playing an updated preview version of Irrational Games’ superhero RPG. Check it out: From this newest build of Freedom Force I learned absolutely nothing I didn’t already know…

Freedom Force Interview

GameSpy once again had the opportunity to talk with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine about the soon-to-be-released Freedom Force, this time discussing the game’s terrain and how fun it is to blow everything up. Here’s a taste: Q: Tell us more…

Freedom Force Interview

GameSpy had the chance to chat with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine about the powers, attributes, and costs of creating characters in their upcoming superhero RPG, Freedom Force. Here’s a bit to get you started: Q: How many damage types are…