A Nuclear Winter – Freedom Force Mission

This level does not afford you the time to orient yourself as the previous levels had…as soon as the cinematic ends, a wave of Ice Troopers rushes you. Now would be a good time to spend some quality time getting to know your good buddy the space bar, and pause the game to get your bearings. El Diablo is best used hovering near the back and firing Tongues of Flame from a semi-safe distance, while the slightly tougher Mentor can be a little nearer to the action, using Instinct Dominance. Minuteman can pick up the explosive barrels and chuck them for some impressive damage, but be careful of the blast radius, or you’ll quickly turn El Diablo into El Salsa.

As you move further along the carrier’s deck, the turrets begin to fire at you. You can either attempt to avoid them, or have Minuteman destroy them for a little peace of mind and some extra prestige. Once you have beaten enough baddies, Mentor will point out an enemy to interrogate to end the level. If you choose to mop up the remaining enemies first, be sure to check the ice floe too, there’s a few hiding down there.

Primary Objectives:

   – Defeat all the cold warriors and find out where Nuclear Winter is going (60
   prestige points)

Secondary Objectives:

   – Defeat all of Nuclear Winter’s minions (20 prestige points)


   – None


   – 3 Ice Queens (40 prestige points each)
   – 15 Ice Troopers (20 prestige points each)
   – 4 Turrets (15 prestige points each)


   – 2 Purple: on runway next to planes
   – 1 Red: on top of command building

New Heroes:

   – None

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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