Seeing Double – Freedom Force Mission

What superhero scenario is complete without a giant ray-gun on top of a building? As soon as you have control of your characters, head for the alley, it’s the safest way to avoid the cloning ray. If you are hit, one of your team’s members will be cloned, making life far more difficult than it needs to be. Make your way to the cloning ray from alley to alley, attacking whatever clones you encounter. Have a flier or jumper head up to the roof and melee attack the generators and the ray while the rest of the team mops up the clones on the ground. Once the ray is destroyed, Deja Vu himself will appear. Make sure you take the fight away from the cloning-ray building right away, one poorly aimed attack and you’ll fail the primary objectives. If you’re interested in reaping all the extra prestige, defeat his many clones as they appear (again, staying away from the main building). When you are ready, attack Deja Vu with all you’ve got…when he is defeated the level is over.

Primary Objectives:

   – Find out what Deja Vu is up to (20 prestige points)
   – Destroy the Cloning ray-gun (60 prestige points)
   – Don’t allow any part of the ray-gun building to collapse (80 prestige points)
   – Disable the shield generators (40 prestige points)
   – Defeat Deja Vu (60 prestige points)

Secondary Objectives:

   – None


   – (Variable) Deja Vu (400 prestige points)


   – 17 Cloned Police (40 prestige points each)
   – 5 Cloned Female civilians (20 prestige points each)
   – 4 Cloned Male civilians (10 prestige points each)
   – 1 Thug with bat (5 prestige points)
   – 1 Cloning Ray (0 prestige points)


   – 1 Red: under trees near center of map
   – 1 Green: under crate near north corner of map
   – 1 Yellow: on rooftop near south corner of map
   – 2 Purple: 1 on rooftop near cloning ray building, 1 under tree near
   cloning ray building

New Heroes:

   – None

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

Articles: 2271

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