Silence in the Ranks – Game of Thrones

This guide will help you complete the Silence in the Ranks side quest in Game of Thrones.

Silence in the Ranks Map

game of thrones silence in the ranks map
  1. Uthor Donnerly
  2. Queen Cersei

Silence in the Ranks Walkthrough


You’ll receive this quest when you talk to Ser Uthor Donnerly (#1) after reporting in to Queen Cersei (#2) at the end of Chapter 6.


Donnerly will rail against the queen, calling her a “whore,” a “traitor,” and more. When you report this diatribe to Cersei, she’ll ask you to take care of the problem discretely. You’ll then have three ways to proceed: you can kill Donnerly, you can scare him away, or you can convince him to apologize.

No matter what you do, you’ll receive 100 xp at the end of the quest, but if you convince Donnerly to apologize (by selecting the “scare” dialogue option with him), then you’ll also receive the Ring of the Lioness.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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