The Lion’s Will (2) – Game of Thrones

This guide will help you complete the second part of The Lion’s Will quest in Game of Thrones.

The Lion’s Will (Part 2) Map

game of thrones the lions will 2 map
  1. Your Cell
  2. Lambert’s Cell
  3. Your Weapons
  4. The Rest of Your Equipment
  5. Locked Gate
  6. Secret Passage
  7. Archive
  8. Little Bird / Door
  9. Cell
  10. Secret Opening
  11. Archive
  12. Battle
  13. Archive
  14. Battle
  15. Archive
  16. Battle
  17. Final Battle
  18. Lord Varys
  19. Archive
  20. Throne
  21. Queen Cersei
  22. Archive
  23. Antechamber Entrance
  24. $ – Secret Stash

The Lion’s Will (Part 2) Walkthrough


You’ll find yourself locked away in a cell in the Red Keep Dungeons (#1). You won’t have any equipment, and you won’t have any way to escape — at least for a few seconds until Lord Varys shows up and unlocks your cell. Varys will tell you that there are secret passages linking the Dungeons to the Throne Room, and he’ll offer, should you survive the trip, to get you an audience with the queen.

First up, you’ll need to retrieve your belongings. You’ll find your weapons on a table next to a sleeping guard (#3), and you’ll find everything else in the guard room (#4) — with a pair of guards who you’ll have to fight. Along with your belongings, you’ll also find the Key to the Red Keep’s Cells, which will unlock a nearby gate in the prison (#5)

To continue on, you’ll need to enter the cell on the northern side of the prison (#6). Once there, you’ll receive a short tutorial about using your special ability, the “Vision of R’hllor,” which will allow you to detect hidden items. When you activate this ability in the cell (by pressing the R key on the PC), you’ll discover a way to open the back wall of the cell, which will give you access to the secret passages. Going through this opening will earn you 100 xp.

Note: Along with finding levers required for your progress, the Vision of R’hllor can also detect secret stashes of equipment ($).

The secret passages wind their way up and down through the Dungeons, the Upper Basement, and the Lower Basement. For the most part, you’ll only have one way to go, so if you keep moving forward then you’ll eventually find your way out. In a few places you’ll run into enemy Gold Cloaks, but shortly into your trip you’ll meet Little Bird (#8), who will help you out. However, Little Bird will leave you just before the final battle (#17), and so you’ll have to defeat five Gold Cloaks (three initially and two more later) on your own. This can be a tough fight, so hopefully you still have Flammable Oil, or some sort of healing potion, or the “Regenerative Heat” ability.

At the end of your escape, you’ll see Lord Varys once again (#18). He’ll give you a short pep talk, and he’ll suggest that you not mention his name to Queen Cersei. Then he’ll be on his way. You’ll receive 200 xp at the end of the conversation.

As you make your way through the Throne Room, the guards will spot you (there isn’t any way to avoid this), and they’ll take you to Queen Cersei (#21). When Cersei questions you, tell her about escaping, or change the subject, but don’t refuse her or else she’ll have you executed and you’ll have to load your game. In the rest of the conversation, just agree to whatever Cersei asks, and you’ll end up being paired with Valarr to track down your brother. For successfully navigating your way through the conversation, you’ll earn the bonus trait Talkative (deflection +1%) plus 450 xp.

To end the quest, simply enter the antechamber to the Throne Room (#23). You’ll run into Valarr there, but then Valarr will get summoned into the Throne Room to learn of the arrangement you just made with Cersei.

Area Overview

1 – Your Cell

2 – Lambert’s Cell

3 – Your Weapons

4 – The Rest of Your Equipment

5 – Locked Gate

6 – Secret Passage

7 – Archive

In the nostril of the giant skull here you’ll find the Westeros archive for Dragons.

8 – Little Bird / Door

You’ll find Little Bird getting beat up by a pair of Gold Cloaks here (#8). After defeating the guards, Little Bird will join you, and you’ll receive 90 xp. To open the nearby door, you’ll need to pull a lever in the guard room to the south (#8a).

9 – Cell

You’ll discover that this cell locked. It can only be opened with a Silver Key, which you won’t find until later in the game.

10 – Secret Opening

You’ll need to use your Vision of R’hllor ability to open the wall here.

11 – Archive

On one of the crates here you’ll find the Westeros archive for Wildfire.

12 – Battle

You’ll face three Gold Cloaks here, but you’ll receive 120 xp for defeating them.

13 – Archive

From the book here you’ll receive the Westeros archive for Maegor I Targaryen.

14 – Battle

At this spot you’ll get attacked by a pair of Gold Cloaks, and you’ll receive a Small Wooden Shield, a Sellsword Coat of Mail, and 90 xp for defeating them.

15 – Archive

Behind the grate here you’ll find the Westeros archive for Eddark Stark.

16 – Battle

At this spot you’ll get attacked by four Gold Cloaks, and you’ll receive a CutlassSellsword Leather GlovesSellsword Mail Chausses, and 135 xp for defeating them.

17 – Final Battle

You’ll have to defeat five Gold Cloaks here (three initially with two more soon enough). After the battle you’ll receive a Short BowBodkin Point Arrows, and 165 xp.

18 – Lord Varys

19 – Archive

Next to the window here you’ll find the Westeros archive for Septs.

20 – Throne

Next to the throne you’ll find the Westeros archive for Aegon I Targaryen.

21 – Queen Cersei

22 – Archive

On the table here you’ll find the Westeros archive for The Small Council.

23 – Antechamber Entrance

$ – Secret Stash


  1. Spiral staircase between the Dungeons and the Upper Basement.
  2. Spiral staircase between the Upper Basement and the Lower Basement.
  3. Stairs between the Lower Basement and the Upper Basement.
  4. Stairs between the Upper Basement and the Lower Basement.
  5. Stairs between the Lower Basement and the Upper Basement.
  6. Spiral staircase between the Upper Basement and the Dungeons.
  7. Entrance to the Throne Room.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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