Resources – Going Medieval

Almost everything your settlers create in Going Medieval will require some kind of resource, from wooden stairs to tasty meals. Understanding how to acquire and create resources, and how to store those resources, is an important aspect of the game.

How to Store Resources

The first step in any Going Medieval resource storage plan is creating a stockpile. Using the Zone menu [F7] zone button going medieval you can create a regular stockpile, or pick from a few variants. You can also select the stockpile once you’ve created it, and then pick and choose what sort of items should be stored there. There is no limit to the amount of stockpiles you can create, so feel free to organize to your hearts content.

stockpile select variant going medieval
decomposition going medieval

Just creating a stockpile in the dirt won’t cut it, however. You’ll need to put a floor where your stockpile is to stop resources from decomposing, and eventually a roof as well to stop the rain from causing decomposition. You can check to see if something is decomposing, and how long it will last, by selecting it and checking out the info box that appears in the bottom right of the screen. Note that when something rots, it is no longer edible, but something doesn’t disappear completely until it decomposes.

You’ll also want to eventually create a cellar to store perishables during the warm summer months. For detailed instructions on how to do so, you can check out our guide on food storage.

How to Get Resources

Basic Construction Materials

All major construction in Going Medieval is done with Wood, Clay, or Limestone. Wood is the easiest of these resources to harvest, as trees are abundant and are quickly turned into usable timber. Clay and Limestone deposits must be mined, which takes significantly longer than chopping down trees.

Food and Drink

When you begin a new game, berries, mushrooms and animals will be your best source of food. Eventually though, you’ll need to start farming. Research Agriculture to gain the ability to plant crops from the Zone menu — your settlers will automatically harvest the plants once they’re at maximum yield. You’ll need a Campfire (or something more advanced) to process food into something tasty — you can find processing options in the Production menu [F2] production menu button going medieval.

going medieval resources farming

Cabbage is filling, but beer will keep your settlers content. You begin the game with a small amount of alcohol, and your settlers will quickly go through it. You’ll need to research Brewing and craft a Brewing Station to create more. Try to accomplish this quickly, as settlers’ moods will quickly deteriorate without access to libations. Don’t forget to plant redcurrant or barley, otherwise you won’t have any ingredients to turn into alcohol.


Clothes are important, both for some settler’s moods, and to keep them warm during the winter. You’ll need to plant flax, which will provide the fibers you need to create clothes. You’ll craft clothes at the Sewing Station, which requires the Tailoring research.


Books are used for one thing, and one thing only: research. To create books, all you need is a Research Table, which is available from the beginning of the game. Make sure you use the Jobs menu and have one settler prioritize Research, at least until you’ve gotten the essential early technologies. Note that books used to unlock research still need to be stored, and can’t be used for other research; that’s why you might notice that you have way more books than you have books available for research.

Using and Processing Resources

going medieval raw meat food safety processing
This butchery table probably wouldn’t pass a food safety inspection

Most of the time, this will be done automatically. For example, if you’ve gathered wood, it will be used for whatever construction projects require it. There are, however, resources that require processing. Here are the resources that require processing before they can be used:

  • The carcasses of animals must be processed at the Butcher’s Table.
  • Iron and gold ore must be processed into ingots by using the Smelting Furnace.
  • Raw food can be eaten, but it gives a severe mood penalty; raw food should be processed on a Cookfire or Hearth and turned into meals.

That about covers all the basic information you should need on resources in Going Medieval. We hope this guide was helpful!

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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