
One of four playable characters in Gotham Knights, Nightwing’s strengths are his acrobatics and his leadership abilities.

nightwing gk character summaries

Nightwing is an acrobatic character, and the Raptor and Acrobat skill trees lean into that archetype. The Pack Leader tree has skills that improve Nightwing’s Co-Op strength, allowing him to share bonuses with his allies.

The Raptor tree is all about Nightwing’s deadly strikes: it’s filled with boosts to his critical chance and damage, and upgrades to his Pounce Ability.

AP CostIconAbilityRequirement(s)Description
n/aperfect evadePerfect EvadeNoneNightwing performs a perfectly-timed evade that generates Momentum and allows for a perfect attack follow-up.
1critical expertiseCritical ExpertisePerfect EvadeIncreases Nighwing’s Critical damage by 20%.
2assassins markAssassin’s MarkPerfect EvadeMarks an enemy, increasing Nightwing and his allies’ damage to the foe by 10%. Hold the prompt while aiming at an enemy.
1trampolineTrampolinePerfect EvadeNightwing’s Pounce ability is automatically followed by a high jump on the enemy. This ability cannot be used if Nightwing is under a low ceiling.
2precise strikesPrecise StrikesCritical ExpertiseIncreases Nightwing’s chance of landing a critical hit by 10%.
2aerial bounceAerial BounceTrampolineNightwing bounces off an enemy following an aerial attack to propel himself back into the air. Can be used up to 3 times in succession.
3critical distanceCritical DistanceAerial Bounce or Precise StrikesHitting an enemy with a Melee Attack from a large distance increases the Critical chance and Critical Damage by 15%.

The Acrobat Tree boosts Nightwing’s sustain (momentum and, later, health), as well as his mobility skills around the battlefield, rewarding him for evading attacks.

AP CostIconAbilityRequirement(s)Description
1aerial damage +Aerial Damage +NoneIncreases Nightwing’s aerial attack damage by 20%.
1extra momentum barExtra Momentum BarAerial Damage +Grants Nightwing an extra Momentum bar.
1momentum gain +Momentum Gain +Aerial Damage +Increases Nightwing’s Momentum gain by 15%.
3evade chainEvade ChainExtra Momentum Bar or Momentum Gain +Nightwing chain evades by performing a quick succession of back jumps.
2halys favoriteHaly’s FavoriteEvade ChainCompleting an Evade Chain knocks down all nearby enemies.
2evade chain momentumEvade Chain MomentumEvade ChainPerforming an evade chain during combat restores a portion of Nightwing’s Momentum.
2mind and bodyMind and BodyHaly’s Favorite or Evade Chain MomentumUsing Momentum Abilities restores a portion of Nightwing’s Health.

The Pack Leader tree is fantastic for co-op play. Not only do Nightwing and his allies benefit from higher damage and faster regeneration, but Nightwing himself becomes much harder to take down, and can even instantly revive an ally from a distance with enough points invested.

AP CostIconAbilityRequirement(s)Description
1family tiesFamily TiesNoneIncreases Nightwing’s defense and resistance by 10%. Working with allies also grants him additional bonuses: Batgirl – Melee Damage +15%. Red Hood – Ranged Damage +15%. Robin – Stealth Damage +15%.
1health bolstered defenseHealth Bolstered DefenseFamily TiesWhen Nightwing’s Health is at least 70% or more, he gets a +5% Defense bonus scaling up to 20% when at full health.
2momentum regenMomentum RegenHealth Bolstered DefenseNightwing’s Momentum regenerates over time. Regeneration stops after filling 1 Momentum segment. Gaining any Momentum activates regeneration again. Working with allies increases regeneration speed.
2shared skillShared SkillHealth Bolstered DefensePassive Skills increasing Damage, Critical Chance, Defense, Momentum Regeneration, and Ultimate Cooldown are shared with allies at 50% of their value.
2elemental smart dartsElemental Smart DartsMomentum Regen or Shared SkillNightwing’s darts inflict Elemental Effect build up on enemies or heal allies over time.
2elemental smart darts +Elemental Smart Darts +Elemental Smart DartsNightwing’s darts also reduce enemies’ defense by 10% and increase damage inflicted by allies by 5% for 10 seconds.
2revive dartsRevive DartsElemental Smart DartsNightwing’s darts can be used to instantly revive an ally from afar. Maximum 1 use per night.

Nightwing’s Knighthood Tree boosts his Nest Ability, his darts, melee attack distance, and gives him an additional attack for the Melee combo. When this tree becomes available, so does the Flying Trapeze, a glider which regains speed when Nightwing bounces from walls.

AP CostIconAbilityDescription
n/aflying trapezeFlying TrapezeNightwing uses his Flying Trapeze to glide through the air. He can also rebound off of walls to gain altitude and speed.
1triple dartsTriple DartsNightwing shoots 3 darts at once instead of 1.
1strike distance +Strike Distance +Nightwing’s Melee Attacks can strike enemies from farther away.
1guardianGuardianDefeating an enemy reduces Nest Ability cooldown by 15%.
2combat expertiseCombat ExpertiseIncreases the number of attacks in Nightwing’s Melee combo by 1. The last hit is a knockdown.
3nest buffs +Nest Buffs +Nest damage is increased by 150%, and the healing effect is increased by 100%.
3bigger nestBigger NestIncreases the size of Nightwing’s Nest.

Nightwing Momentum Abilities

Nightwing’s Momentum Abilities allow him to leap from foe to foe, and add area-of-effect elemental damage to his kit. The Shotgun Darts serve as a DPS increase, while the Ultimate Ability Nest is a powerful defensive tool for Nightwing and his allies.

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