Red Hood

One of four playable characters in Gotham Knights, Red Hood’s strengths are his grappling abilities and dishing out serious damage from afar.

red hood for db entry gotham knights

Red Hood Skill Trees

Red Hood’s skill trees are all relatively similar, in that they’re mainly focused on dealing more damage — the Marksman tree buffs ranged damage, the Brawler tree improves his grappling, and Vengeance adds general DPS.

This tree focuses on ranged damage output per second, speeding up your attacks, boosting your critical attacks, or rewarding longer aim time with increased damage.

AP CostIconAbilityRequirement(s)Description
n/aevadePerfect EvadeNoneRed Hood performs a perfectly-timed evade that generates Momentum and allows for a Perfect Attack follow-up.
1focused fireFocused FirePerfect EvadeRed Hood can aim longer at a target to deal 4x more damage.
2lucky roundsLucky RoundsPerfect EvadeEvery round Red Hood shoots has a small chance to deal 5x the damage. Only applies to Ranged Attacks and Precision Aim.
1critical expertiseCritical ExpertisePerfect EvadeIncreases Red Hood’s critical damage by 20%.
2precise strikesPrecise StrikesCritical ExpertiseIncreases Red Hood’s chance of landing a critical hit by 10%.
2focused fire +Focused Fire +Focused FireAiming time of Focused Fire is reduced by 50%.
3quickfire expertQuickfire ExpertFocused Fire + or Precise StrikesThe critical chance and critical damage of Red Hood’s Range Attack combo is increased by 15%.

Red Hood Momentum Abilities

Red Hood’s Momentum abilities generally strengthen his ranged attacks, with faster reloads, high damage abilities, and even a Portable Turret. However, he can also unlock the Mystical Punch and Mega Tackle, improving his melee combat. His ultimate ability, Mystical Rounds, locks onto enemies and deals serious damage to everything in his line of sight.

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