Knighthood – Gotham Knights

You might have wondered about that fourth locked tree in the skills view for your characters — the mysterious Knighthood Tree. You will be ready to unlock it for each of your characters after you already invest a bit of time into the game, and it will serve you as a kind of an expert tree, upgrading your Ultimate Momentum Ability and pushing your character’s strength onto the next level.

Really, you can start working on unlocking this tree pretty early, as well as planning your endgame build around the skills that will be available to you. This guide will help you with just that: walking you through how to unlock your Knighthood Tree, and giving you a detailed overview of the skills you will get access to to help you plan for it.

Unlocking the Knighthood Tree (Knighthood Challenges)

In order to unlock the Knighthood Tree for a character, you have to complete their Knighthood Challenges:

  • Timed Strike Training — Complete Timed Strike Training
  • One Step Ahead — Stop 10 Premeditated Crimes
  • Against All Odds — Defeat 3 Minibosses

If you open up the Batcomputer, you can view your task list under the Challenges tab. Note that you may already have “Timed Strike Training” completed if you did some of the Training Challenges independently.

We have a dedicated guide for Completing the Knighthood Challenges — if you want to see a detailed breakdown and some tips on completing each of the challenges, you should definitely check it out.

Heroic Traversal

The first ability in the Knighthood Skill tree is a so-called “Heroic Traversal”. It’s unique for each character, and serves as a way for them to get around the city much faster.

  • Batgirl — Batwings (glider)
  • Robin — Slideways (short-range teleportation)
  • Red Hood — Mystical Leap (spirit platforms)
  • Nightwing — Flying Trapeze (glider)

However, Knighthood Trees have a lot more to offer; continue reading to see all of the skills you can get for each character once you unlock the Knighthood Skill Tree for them.

Knighthood Skill Trees

You will notice that a lot of Knighthood Skill Tree upgrades boost your Ultimate Momentum ability, while others serve as final upgrades for your character’s primary stats or unique abilities. Of course, you also will get access to you character’s unique Heroic Traversal ability, allowing you to glide around the city.

Batgirl’s Knighthood tree adds a number of quality-of-life improvements, like letting her use her grapple in combat and improving her out-of-combat health regeneration. It also buffs her drone’s damage, and improves Batgirl’s ranged and melee combos. Naturally, this tree comes with a Heroic Traversal, the ability to Glide using Batgirl’s cape.

AP CostIconAbilityDescription
n/aglideGlideBatgirl uses her cape to glide through the air. She can adjust her pose to turn and gain or reduce her glide speed.
1grapple pullGrapple PullBatgirl uses her grapple to pull an enemy towards her. When used of a large enemy, Batgirl pulls herself toward the enemy.
1fear takedownFear TakedownAmbush Takedown inflicts Fear in nearby enemies. Critical damage and Critical chance increase by 15% for 10 seconds.
1health regen +Health Regen +When outside of combat, Batgirl’s health automatically regenerates up to 40%.
2enhanced comboEnhanced ComboIncreases the number of attacks in Batgirl’s Melee and Ranged Attack combo by 1. The last Melee hit is a knockdown.
3drone firepowerDrone FirepowerIncreases firing rate of Batgirl’s drone.
3drone ambush blastDrone Ambush BlastOnce per summon, Batgirl’s drone unleashes a large burst of damage on all nearby enemies.

Robin’s Knighthood tree further improves and encourages the use of his takedowns, granting him buffs for sucessful ones. It also gives him a tool to reenter stealth after attacking from above, improves his microbots ability, and makes his combos stronger. Robin’s Heroic Traversal Slideways (teleportation) also unlocks when this tree becomes available.

AP CostIconAbilityDescription
n/aslidewaysSlidewaysRobin activates and enters a temporary portal, which he can use to relocate to a new position.
1stealth takedown +Stealth Takedown +Performing a Takedown increases Robin’s damage, Critical Chance, Defense and Elemental Effect build up for 15 seconds.
1aerial attack smokeAerial Attack SmokeRobin’s aerial attacks are followed by a small cloud of smoke, allowing him to re-enter stealth.
1microbots cooldown reductionMicrobots Cooldown ReductionRobin’s Microbots Ability cooldown is reduced by 20%, allowing Robin to call them more often.
2combat expertiseCombat ExpertiseIncreases the number of attacks in Robin’s Melee and Ranged combos by 1. The last Melee hit is a knockdown.
3slideways takedownSlideways TakedownRobin opens a small portal and pulls an enemy through it to perform a takedown (not applicable on bosses).
3microbot target +Microbot Target +Robin improved the particle accelerator in the microbots’ core engine. He can now call 5 microbots instead of 3.

Red Hood’s Knighthood tree adds some crowd-control to his kit, causing both his grabs and his knock-out ranged attacks to inflict Fear in nearby enemies. It also adds some oomph to his headshots and weak spot targeting, and improves his ranged attack combo and his Ultimate Momentum Ability. With this tree comes the Heroic Traversal Mystical Leap, which allow Red Hood to use Spirit Platforms to leap through the air.

AP CostIconAbilityDescription
n/amystical leapMystical LeapRed Hood traverses through the air using spirit platforms.
1ranged terrorRanged TerrorEvery shot that knocks out a target inflicts Fear in nearby enemies.
2weak spot damage+Weak Spot Damage +Increases headshot and weak spot damage by 15%.
1grab dreadGrab DreadGrabbing a target inflicts Fear in nearby enemies.
2combat masteryCombat MasteryIncreases the number of attacks in Red Hood’s Ranged Attack combo by 1. The last hit is a knockdown.
2ducra's trainingDucra’s TrainingMystical Rounds requires 50% less time to lock on targets.
3shadow vengeanceShadow VengeanceMystical Rounds shoots 2 rounds instead of 1.

Nightwing’s Knighthood Tree boosts his Nest Ability, his darts, melee attack distance, and gives him an additional attack for the Melee combo. When this tree becomes available, so does the Flying Trapeze, a glider which regains speed when Nightwing bounces from walls.

AP CostIconAbilityDescription
n/aflying trapezeFlying TrapezeNightwing uses his Flying Trapeze to glide through the air. He can also rebound off of walls to gain altitude and speed.
1triple dartsTriple DartsNightwing shoots 3 darts at once instead of 1.
1strike distance +Strike Distance +Nightwing’s Melee Attacks can strike enemies from farther away.
1guardianGuardianDefeating an enemy reduces Nest Ability cooldown by 15%.
2combat expertiseCombat ExpertiseIncreases the number of attacks in Nightwing’s Melee combo by 1. The last hit is a knockdown.
3nest buffs +Nest Buffs +Nest damage is increased by 150%, and the healing effect is increased by 100%.
3bigger nestBigger NestIncreases the size of Nightwing’s Nest.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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