Gotham Knights Console Patch 12/13/2022 Includes Heroic Assault Fixes, NG+ Balancing

Gotham Knights has received yet another update on consoles, with the devs continuing their ongoing battle with bugs and glitches. Today’s patch notes are brief, and mostly focus on the new Heroic Assault mode — a cooperative mode for up to 4 players that sees you delving through 30 floors of enemies, including a surprise or two. Some other general fixes are also included in the update.

The “Ultra Cosmic” Colorway, earned in Heroic Assault, was not unlocking properly for all players; this should now be fixed. The new mode also had some issues with players getting stuck on the environment (or just on invisible stuff!) but this problem should also now be resolved. Heroic Assault should crash less after today’s patch, and input functionality issues have been looked at as well.

Besides Heroic Assault fixes, there has also been a pass on rewards and drops in the open world that should help players currently in New Game Plus — the change only affects high level loot drops, and so shouldn’t affect anyone playing through the game for the first time. A fix has also been applied to map icons not appearing. We’ve covered all the patch notes at this point, but you can find the full, official notes below!

Gotham Knights Console Patch Notes 12/13/2022


  • Balancing
    • Pass on rewards/drops to scale accordingly in the Open World(Beyond level 40)
  • Heroic Assault
    • “Ultra Cosmic” Colorway fix to unlock properly
    • Fixes to environment assets
      • Getting stuck or invisible collisions
    • Fixes to AI alertness levels and behaviours
  • Fix for map icons not appearing accordingly


  • Crash fixes for Heroic Assault
  • Crash fix for certain player abilities
  • Fixes to input functionality issues during Heroic Assault
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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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