
shadowrun dragonfall hard times featured image

Hard Times – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you complete the Hard Times mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Hard Times Map Hard Times Walkthrough Background It is a short train ride to Gesundbrunnen. You exit the subway car, stepping onto the old, grungy platform. The…

shadowrun dragonfall false flag featured image

False Flag – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you complete the False Flag mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall. False Flag Map False Flag Walkthrough Background The U-Bahn rattles to a halt at the edge of Kreuzberg. You’re only a few blocks away from Schattennest, the…

shadowrun dragonfall earwig featured image

Earwig – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you complete the Earwig mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Earwig Map Earwig Walkthrough Background OTK International is a small-time software developer, and it shows. The company’s main office is crammed up against the back wall of a…

shadowrun dragonfall bloodline featured image

Bloodline – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you complete the Bloodline mission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Bloodline Map Bloodline Walkthrough Background Aztechnology. A giant in the worlds of technological and magical research. One of the most powerful — and feared — corporations on the…

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The Kreuzbasar – Shadowrun: Dragonfall

This guide will help you navigate The Kreuzbasar intermission in Shadowrun: Dragonfall. The Kreuzbasar Map The Kreuzbasar Walkthrough Background Kreuzberg. Home to nearly a half a million people and, until very recently, Monika Schafer. Once a melting pot of cultural…

shadowrun returns walkthrough featured image

Walkthrough – Shadowrun Returns

Welcome to our Shadowrun Returns walkthrough! If you’re itching to run the shadows as a street samurai, crafty decker, or a spirit shaman in a setting that combines all the staples of cyberpunk with plenty of magic and fantasy, then…

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Out of the Shadows – Shadowrun Returns

This guide will help you complete the Out of the Shadows mission in Shadowrun Returns. Out of the Shadows Walkthrough Background You emerge from the Universal Brotherhood chapterhouse, momentarily blinded by the bright lights of the Lone Star perimeter surrounding…