
witcher 2 malena featured image

Malena – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific side quest of chapter 1 in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest. Background Tension between the Scoia’tael and the Temerian…

witcher 2 hung over featured image

Hung Over – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific side quest of chapter 1 in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest. Background Once you’ve talked to Cedric about the…

witcher 2 fight club featured image

Fight Club – Witcher 2 Quest

This guide helps players with a specific side quest of chapter 1 in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to show you exactly how to complete the quest. Background If we’re to believe “King” Ziggy, the…