
witcher 2 part three featured image

The Prologue Story Part 3 – Witcher 2

This guide concerns itself with a part of the Prologue in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to aid players in their gaming. Background This part of the prologue is initiated with the dialog choice “What…

witcher 2 part two featured image

The Prologue Story Part 2 – Witcher 2

This guide concerns itself with a part of the Prologue in The Witcher 2. It has a map, legend, and walkthrough to aid players in their gaming. Background This part of the prologue starts by choosing the second dialog option…

the witcher 2 mini games featured image

Mini-Games – Witcher 2

As Geralt adventures throughout the Witcher 2, there are opoortunities to participate in mini-games. This section describes the games and provides instructions to play. Arm Wrestling Arm wrestling is a new feature in the game and it is also the…

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Equipment Database – Witcher 2

Welcome to the Witcher 2 equipment database. Below is a viewer where readers can search through the large database of entries containing all the different types of equipment, including: Armor, Weapons, and Miscellaneous.

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Talents – Witcher 2

This page contains a viewer where readers can search through all the different talents in Witcher 2. The viewer can be navigated more efficaciously by inputting the desired categories, such as training, alchemy, magic, and swordsmanship.