
witcher 2 abilities featured image

Abilities – Witcher 2

This page contains a viewer where readers can see all the different abilities in Witcher 2. Each entry for an ability will explain its effect, how it’s obtained, how many ability levels it has.

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Attributes – Witcher 2

This page lists all the different attributes in Witcher 2 by providing descriptions that explain how the stats affect Geralt. Damage As you might have expected, this attribute defines the strength of the witcher’s strikes. Geralt’s damage rating depends primarily…

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Signs – Witcher 2

The Sign system in The Witcher 2 was clearly changed to scale much better over the course of the game than what we saw in the origianl title. Their maximum potential still depends on your character build, but all of…

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Characters – Witcher 2

You’ve found the character page for Witcher 2. As you might suspect, it’s filled with all the characters — both main and secondary. These entries are filled with descriptions to help readers become better acquainted with the large cast.

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Glossary – Witcher 2

This page is filled with all the terms in Witcher 2. It has a viewer for easy navigation, allowing readers to parouse the entries and their categories: culture, geography, politics, and others.

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Locations – Witcher 2

This viewer is a tool for players to read about all the different locations in Witcher 2. Unlike other location guides on the site, these entries do not have overviews or maps, but are instead populated with descriptions.

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Monsters – Witcher 2

This page is intended to inform players about the monsters in The Witcher 2. Entries are subdivided into different categories, and individual pages have summaries and knowledge.