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Hobnobbing With Hobbes – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Hobnobbing With Hobbes quest in Fable III. Hobnobbing With Hobbes Walkthrough You’ll only receive this quest after finishing the main storyline, though it’s open to you no matter what your choices on the throne…

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Gone But Not Forgotten – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Gone But Not Forgotten quest in Fable III. Gone But Not Forgotten Walkthrough This quest is the successor to Bored to Death, and yet again involves everyone’s favourite totally-not-copyright-infringing ghosts, Sam and Max… er,…

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Gnomes Are Great! – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Gnomes Are Great! quest in Fable III. Gnomes Are Great! Walkthrough This quest can be obtained by Brian in Brightwall Village, who is obsessed with garden gnomes and has committed his life’s efforts…

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Gnomes Are Evil! – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Gnomes Are Evil! quest in Fable III. Gnomes Are Evil! Walkthrough After bringing life to Brian’s gnomes, it seems that there have been some unintended consequences. Turns out that the gnomes have turned evil,…

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Gift Wood for Driftwood – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Gift Wood for Driftwood quest in Fable III. Gift Wood for Driftwood Walkthrough Gift Wood for Driftwood becomes available after finishing the Pest Control quest, but it won’t appear until a few days afterwards, as…

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Framed for Murder – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Framed for Murder quest in Fable III. Framed for Murder Walkthrough This most murderous quest only becomes available after you’ve murdered your way out of Reaver’s Manor during The Masquerade. Head to Bowerstone Old…

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Excavation – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Excavation quest in Fable III. Excavation Walkthrough This quest becomes available after killing Rys in Peace, Love, and Homicide. Lesley, your totally-evil pal, will have found a way past the magical flame barrier in…

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Escaped Criminal – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Escaped Criminal quest in Fable III. Escaped Criminal Walkthrough Escaped Criminal is a rare repeatable type of quest which can be performed for varying amounts of money, and a small morality bonus. In…

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Chicken Chaser – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Chicken Chaser quest in Fable III. Chicken Chaser Walkthrough Bernard is having a problem with his chickens – namely, they’ve escaped, and are on the loose around Brightwall! The horror! To round them…

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Bored to Death – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Bored to Death quest in Fable III. Bored to Death Walkthrough You’ll find this quest by speaking to two ghosts in Mourningwood, Max and Sam, who can be found by following the left-hand…