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Awakening – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Awakening quest in Fable III. Awakening Walkthrough Another short quest, this one follows Excavation. Head to the Dark Sanctum in Mourningwood and you’ll find that Lesley’s men have cleared much of the rubble. Unfortunately,…

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Animal Liberation – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the Animal Liberation quest in Fable III. Animal Liberation Walkthrough This quest is only available after finishing The Masquerade. You’ll find Katie, an animal rights activist, just outside the Demon Door in Millfields. She’ll ask you to…

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An Island Getaway – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the An Island Getaway quest in Fable III. An Island Getaway Walkthrough This quest becomes available after completing Pest Control, though you’ll have to wait a few days for the Driftwood residents to set up…

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An Evil Presence – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the An Evil Presence quest in Fable III. An Evil Presence Walkthrough The final quest in the Special Delivery sequence, Saul will ask you for help one last time – find him in the Brightwall…

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An Ancient Key – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the An Ancient Key quest in Fable III. An Ancient Key Walkthrough This quest is the follow-up to Special Delivery, and takes place within The Reliquary. Speak to Saul at Brightwall Academy, and he’ll ask…

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A Relic of Ages Past – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the A Relic of Ages Past quest in Fable III. A Relic of Ages Past Walkthrough You’ll only be able to receive this quest after finishing the main storyline. Speak with Himilcar in the City…

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A Marriage of Inconvenience – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the A Marriage of Inconvenience quest in Fable III. A Marriage of Inconvenience Walkthrough In this quest, you’ll be dealing with love, romance and all the drama that tends to revolve around such things.…

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A Day at the (Chicken) Races – Fable III

This guide will help you complete the A Day at the (Chicken) Races quest in Fable III. A Day at the (Chicken) Races Walkthrough You’ll have to complete the Chicken Chaser quest before this one becomes available to you. Make your way…

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Post-Story Content – Fable III

This guide will help you navigate the post-story content in Fable III. Post-Story Side Quests Although you’ve beaten Fable III, and the Crawler has been defeated, you’ve still got a lot left over to do in Albion. Once the story is…

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The Final Battle – Fable III

This guide will help you complete The Final Battle quest in Fable III. The Final Battle Walkthrough This is it. The day has come when Albion must stand against the Darkness. Hobson will greet you and outline a particularly arduous…