
fable iii evil gnomes featured image

Evil Gnomes – Fable III

Welcome to our Fable III evil gnomes section! After completing Gnomes Are Great! and the first portion of Gnomes Are Evil!, you will begin Fable III’s longest and most tedious quest. Finding the Evil Gnomes for Brian scattered all across Albion is quite…

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Gold Doors – Fable III

Welcome to our Fable III gold keys section! Gold Doors are the new Silver Chests as far as Fable III is concerned, the “mega ultimate super-secret” containers for the game’s biggest prizes. Much like Demon Doors, they contain unique rewards and a small…

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Gold Keys – Fable III

Welcome to our Fable III gold keys section! Like Silver Keys, Gold Keys are hidden items new to Fable III, for those who have plundered almost everything but still need an even deeper secret to uncover. Rather than opening chests, Gold…

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Silver Chests – Fable III

Welcome to our Fable III silver chests section! Silver Chests return in Fable III, as is expected. These chests, as their name implies, require Silver Keys to open, with many requiring 15 or more out of the 50 Silver Keys in the…