
star wars kotor ii strategy guides pazaak featured image

Pazaak – Star Wars: KOTOR II

This guide provides a strategy and explanation for a mini-game in Star Wars: KOTOR II. General StrategiesI have determine several good strategies that work well for playing Pazaak. Go Low Strategy: In the game of Pazaak, if you reach nine…

star wars kotor ii strategy guides darth traya featured image

Darth Traya – Star Wars: KOTOR II

This guide provides a strategy and explanation for a tough battle in Star Wars: KOTOR II. General #1This battle has two stages. Before talking to Darth Traya you should use shields and defensive powers, Master Speed is awesome in this…

star wars kotor ii strategy guides twin suns featured image

Twin Suns – Star Wars: KOTOR II

This guide provides a strategy and explanation for a tough battle in Star Wars: KOTOR II. Operation HindsightWhen you first enter the cantina on Nar Shaddaa (in the Promenade), lay about 15 or so mines in a spread pattern in…

star wars kotor ii strategy guides tank droid featured image

Tank Droid – Star Wars: KOTOR II

This guide provides a strategy and explanation for a tough battle in Star Wars: KOTOR II. Shock AttackHave a character who knows Force Lightning, and has enough Force Points to throw it four times. On the way into the underground…

star wars kotor ii strategy guides hk 50 featured image

HK-50 – Star Wars: KOTOR II

This guide provides a strategy and explanation for a tough battle in Star Wars: KOTOR II. Vs. Three on Telos Ice PlateauPrep out nice energy shields (arkanian ones work the best if you’ve got ’em) and strap them to every…