
star wars kotor ii strategy guides jedi consular featured image

Jedi Consular – Star Wars: KOTOR II

This guide provides a strategy and explanation for using the Jedi Consular class in Star Wars: KOTOR II. General Strategy including Watchman and Master I like being the Jedi Consulars and the Scoundrels, and with the introduction of yet another…

star wars kotor ii strategy guides jedi guardian featured image

Jedi Guardian – Star Wars: KOTOR II

This guide provides a strategy and explanation for using the Jedi Guardian class in Star Wars: KOTOR II. Essentials #1 The Jedi Guardian allows for aggressive attacks and has more melee feats than other classes. When you start the game,…

star wars kotor ii strategy guides cheats featured image

Cheats – Star Wars: KOTOR II

Super Saber Glitch Be careful doing this. It seemed like I had some save game issues when doing it with the ultima pearl for some reason, so be careful and keep some backup saves! Anyways, here’s how you do it:…