
lionheart gate district featured image

Gate District – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Barcelona area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend. Walkthrough 1 – Hrubjub and Bludjund If you talk to…

lionheart guides 16th century

History of the Sixteenth Century – Lionheart

Determined to tame these savage new lands, King Philip funded several conquistadors to explore and claim them for Spain. One such conquistador, Hern�n Cort�s, was given a fleet of ships to conquer the New World. During his first expedition, Cort�s…

lionheart guides 6th crusade

History of the Sixth Crusade – Lionheart

In 1461, a respected official of the Spanish government was accused of practicing magic and was brought before the Inquisition. The prisoner confounded the four Inquisitors, resisting their attempts at exorcism, demonstrating inhuman endurance, and speaking in ancient languages to…

lionheart guides 15th century

History of the Fifteenth Century – Lionheart

By the early 1400s, during the Hundred Years War, much of northern France was under control of the English, and southern France was separated into duchies with little allegiance to the king. Famine and plague had taken a greater toll…

lionheart guides 5th crusade

History of the Fifth Crusade – Lionheart

In 1336, a group of powerful dark wizards stole from the risen pharaohs of Egypt a magical tome containing the secrets of life and death. The Book of the Dead detailed the art of necromancy, the magic of the afterlife…

lionheart guides 14th century

History of the Fourteenth Century – Lionheart

In 1316, the Inquisition declared the practice of magic to be heresy�even when used to offset nations’ food shortages. This edict, combined with an ever-increasing population, caused a terrible famine. By the winter of 1316, almost the entire population of…

lionheart guides 4th crusade

History of the Fourth Crusade – Lionheart

The Fourth Crusade against the Storm Dragons was nearly lost as humankind found that conventional arrows, bolts, and ballistae were ineffective against the new menace. By this time, some purebloods had become hosts for alien spirits and began to comprehend…

lionheart guides hisotry dijunction

History of the Disjunction – Lionheart

In the year A.D. 1189, Pope Gregory VIII called for a Third Crusade to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the infidel. King Henry II of England and King Philip II of France agreed to stop waging war upon…

lionheart timeline featured image

Timeline – Lionheart

Below is a timeline of important hisotrical events in Lionheart. 1188 – 1192 Third Crusade – Led by King Richard the Lionheart 1192 The Disjunction 1204 The last known tremor settles. Ireland and Brittany are gone and England has broken…