
starfield eyewitness featured image

Eyewitness – Starfield Mission

Once Delivering Devils is completed, it will be time to testify before the United Colonies cabinet on the Terrormorph threat. Location From your landing pad at New Atlantis, proceed straight and turn left onto the ramp leading into the city.…

starfield search and serizure featured image

Search and Seizure – Starfield Mission

In the aftermath of the Vanguard Mission Eyewitness, Sergeant Yumi once again needs your assistance. Location From the New Atlantis launchpad, go straight from your ship and turn up the ramp on the left into the city. At the top…

starfield delivering devils featured image

Delivering Devils – Starfield Mission

After completing Grunt Work, it’s time to continue the investigation into the Terrormorphs by meeting up with a former researcher in the field. Location Navigate to the Sol system and land at Cydonia on Mars. Enter the underground colony complex,…

starfield short sighted mission walkthrough

Short Sighted – Starfield Mission

In this story mission walkthrough, we’ll guide you through a brief trip to the Eye to make some repairs for Constellation. Go to the Eye When you complete Further Into the Unknown, Vladimir will speak to you about making some…

starfield further into the unknown mission walkthrough

Further Into the Unknown – Starfield Mission

In this story mission walkthrough, we’ll guide you through the hunt for two more artifacts for Constellation. Talk to Vladimir After participating in the Constellation meeting and completing the Starborn mission, you’ll need to talk to Vladimir Sall, who is…

starfield starborn mission walkthrough

Starborn – Starfield Mission

In this story mission walkthrough, we’ll guide you through an encounter with a mysterious ship and a meeting with the members of Constellation. Location Upon taking off from the city of Neon after completing the mission All That Money Can…

starfield faction mission featured image

Faction Missions – Starfield

Outside of the main quest, each major faction in Starfield has an associated storyline. These will take you around the Settled Systems and provide some lucrative rewards in addition to the pride of supporting your faction. Here, we’ll list the…

fallout 4 melee weapons

Fallout 4 Melee Weapons Guide

Melee weapons in Fallout 4 offer a unique and visceral combat experience in the wasteland. From brutal bladed weapons to powerful blunt instruments, each melee weapon has its strengths and playstyle. In this guide, we’ll explore the different types of…