
starfield job gone wrong mission galbank

Job Gone Wrong – Starfield Mission

In this story mission walkthrough, we’ll guide you through negotiating a hostage situation in Akila City so that you and Sam Coe can access the bank and continue your search for the mysterious artifacts. Location Shortly after you arrive in…

starfield best parts guide featured image

Best Ship Parts – Starfield

If you read our guide on ‘How to Build a Ship‘, then you might be wondering what the best parts are for your ship. After all, no one wants to make a sub-par space-faring vessel. When you enter the ship…

starfield the empty nest mission walkthrough

The Empty Nest – Starfield Mission

In this story mission walkthrough, we’ll guide you through a trip to Akila City, the capital of the Freestar Collective, where Sam Coe assists you in uncovering another artifact for Constellation. Talk to Sam Coe You’ll pick up this quest…

starfield first contact featured

First Contact – Starfield Mission

When you first arrive to the Porrima system, and in particular the vicinity of Porrima II, you’ll be able to see a large spaceship in orbit above the planet, just as you’re contacted by Chief Sugiyama informing you that the…

return to vectera mission walkthrough starfield featured image crashed ship

Back to Vectera – Starfield Mission

In this main story mission walkthrough, we’ll return to where our adventure began in an attempt to track down a missing member of Constellation. Note: During our playthrough of this mission, the objective marker was buggy, and we found that…

starfield walkthrough main side missions character creation beginners overview tutorials 2048x1152 jpg

Walkthrough – Starfield

Starfield may be Bethesda’s new IP, but it will feel immediately familiar to anyone who has played Fallout 3-4, or any of the Elder Scrolls games since Morrowind. It’s a massive game, with so much to do you could spend…

the old neighborhood featured image sol system starfield walkthrough

The Old Neighborhood – Starfield Mission

In this story mission walkthrough, we’ll guide you through a jaunt across the Sol system, in which Sarah Morgan helps you hunt for another mysterious artifact. Location This quest begins in New Atlantis, in the MAST District — specifically, in…

starfield crafting research laboratory

Crafting & Research – Starfield

Crafting in Starfield is similar to the settlements and crafting systems in Fallout 4. In fact, the crafting categories are almost identical, although they are organized a bit differently. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how crafting works…

starfield skills and leveling

Skills and Leveling – Starfield

Character progression in Starfield is a matter of gaining experience and leveling up, which in turn provides you with a number of skill points that can be spent in the game’s five skill trees. In this guide we’ll cover how…