
deus ex templar cathedral featured image

Templar Cathedral – Deus Ex

Map Walkthrough 1: You’ve contacted Morgan Everett in Chateau DuClare and now you’re attempting to give him information about the Gray Death virus, on a computer within the Knights Templar Cathedral in Paris. From the DuClare crypt, head through the sewers…

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Chateau DuClare – Deus Ex

1: Nicolette tells you at the beginning of this short mission, that her mother’s bedroom upstairs would be a good place to start looking for clues. Begin by moving around the house to the back, noticing the maze off to the…

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Paris 2 – Deus Ex

1: All along the city streets of Paris there are walking robots, MJ12 troops and commandos, and police who aren’t aggressive until you either kill someone within their sight or they see you breaking and entering. Fortunately, by exiting through the…

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Paris 1 – Deus Ex

Map Walkthrough 1: After your short trip to the cemetery, you’re whisked away to Paris and dropped off on this roof. Over to one side, there are peep holes where you can see below. If you’re good with a sniper rifle,…

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Cemetary – Deus Ex

1: Welcome to the cemetery, where you’re supposed to meet with Stanton Dowd in the Dowd crypt. It’s a very short level that will be over in no time, and then it’s off to gay Paris. After Jock drops you off,…

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Naval Shipyards 2 – Deus Ex

Map Walkthrough 1: You’ve just entered the sublevel decks of the ship, and are about to place 5 explosives in key points along the hull, indicated by X’s on the map. I’ll provide you with an easy to follow guide, though…

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Kobold Cave – Pool of Radiance

This guide will help you navigate the Kobold Cave in Pool of Radiance. Kobold Cave Map Area Note You’ll receive two quests for the Kobold Cave: one from the silver dragon in the Dragon Cave in the Wilderness, and one…