
risen ch1 faranga island initial quests featured image

Ch1 Faranga Island Initial Quests – Risen

This guide will help you navigate the introductory Faranga Island quests in Risen’s Chapter 1. It comes with detailed quest descriptions and a handy map. Chapter 1 Faranga Island Initial Quests Map Chapter 1 Faranga Island Initial Quests Overview During…

risen prologue quests featured image

Prologue Quests – Risen

This guide will help you navigate the Risen prologue and its quests. Prologue Map Prologue Quests Overview The prologue quests are the ones that occur before the first chapter starts. They are linked one after the other, and represent a…

risen gameplay tips featured image

Gameplay Tips – Risen

Here you’ll find some general tips that will make your journey through Risen a pleasant and enjoyable one. Smithing system Risen has its own blacksmithing and goldsmithing system fused into one skill – smithing. Basically, you’ll need the prospect skill…

beyond divinity walkthrough rift tomb

Rift Tomb – Beyond Divinity

This guide will walk you through the Rift Tomb in Act IV of Beyond Divinity. 1 – Rift The only thing you need to do in the tomb is go back through this rift and return to Academy Level 4.…

beyond divinity walkthrough rift race

Rift Race – Beyond Divinty

This guide will walk you through the Rift Race in Act IV of Beyond Divinity. 1 – Starting Point This is where you’ll start in the race. Talk to the ghost to have it open up the door to the…

beyond divinity walkthrough rift maze

Rift Maze – Beyond Divinity

This guide will walk you through the Rift Maze in Act IV of Beyond Divinity. Area Note Your object here is simply to exit the maze. You can use the teleporters if you want, but mostly they’ll send you to…

beyond divinity walkthrough rift consequences

Rift Consequences – Beyond Divinity

This guide will walk you through the Rift Consequences in Act IV of Beyond Divinity. Area Note You’ll have to make some choices in this level, but they won’t have any relevance to the game. So decide however you want.…

beyond divinity walkthrough maintenance tunnels

Maintenance Tunnels – Beyond Divinity

This guide will walk you through the Maintenance Tunnels in Act IV of Beyond Divinity. 1 – Taxlehix Taxlehix, your old friend the borrower / merchant / trainer, will mention his uncle Nixfix, and he’ll tell you a riddle for…

beyond divinity walkthrough lower tunnels

Lower Tunnels – Beyond Divinity

This guide will walk you through the Lower Tunnels in Act IV of Beyond Divinity. Area Note You’ll only be able to access the eastern side of the tunnels once you’ve started working on the second summoning test on Academy…