
oxygen feat image icarus final

How to Get Oxygen – ICARUS

Don’t let the blue skies and abundant greenery fool you — the atmosphere of Icarus isn’t breathable, and you’ll need to find yourself some O2 soon after you land. In this guide, we’ll go over the basics of acquiring Oxygen…

featured image resources icarus

Resources – ICARUS

As a crafting-focused game, you can’t do anything on Icarus without first collecting the necessary resources. We’ve got guides covering every type of resource, explaining what’s available where and how to get ahold of it. Simply click on a resource…

Diplomacy featured image for Hearts of Iron IV.

Hearts of Iron IV Diplomacy

In Hearts of Iron, your ability to perform diplomatic maneuvers will play a big role in how your campaigns go. Whether you are justifying a war or pushing for a neutral country to join your side, you will utilize diplomacy…

Image for Government in Hearts of Iron IV.

Hearts of Iron IV Government

Government in Hearts of Iron IV represents the internal politics of your country, while applying passive bonuses to it. The key components to your government are political power, ideas, and ideology. Political Power Think of political power as the currency…