

Final Fantasy X: Blitzball

Blitzball is the most popular sport in the world of Spira, and acts as a minigame for Final Fantasy X. It can be accessed at any save point once the party leaves Luca. In Blitzball, you control The Besaid Aurochs’…

icarus forests featured image

How to Survive in the Forest Biome – Icarus

The forest is probably where you’ll start your Icarus adventure, as it is where most of the beginner prospects land you. While not without its dangers, it’s a relatively safe place to learn the ropes of the game and start…

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The planet of Icarus shares many similarities with Earth, thanks in no small part to the attempt to terraform it. If you want to survive your drops, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the flora, fauna, and environmental hazards of…

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How to Level Up Fast in ICARUS

Icarus is a harsh and unforgiving place, a product of a failed terraforming project. Surviving here will require more than just a stone axe — but, in order to craft these you’ll need to level up. While most activities in…

how to find hidden caves in icarus

ICARUS How to Find Hidden Caves

Struggling to find a single cave after landing at the prospect site? Feeling exhausted, getting critically low on food and water after making two circles around the entire perimeter of your landing site? The bad news is, yes, you probably…

surviving bears in icarus

Surviving Bears in ICARUS

ICARUS bears are fast, they are quiet, and it takes them at most three hits to kill you (even if you have meat, berries, fish, and a speed boost in your arsenal). Wolves will growl to warn you to back…

ffx summon

Final Fantasy X: Aeons

Aeons are the summons in Final Fantasy X. Yuna can call them into battle to aid the party in battle. Obtaining Aeons As you progress through the game, you will obtain a new Aeon when you go through a Cloister…

the council policies featured image dice legacy

The Council & Policies – Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy is primarily a game about buildings and dice, but there are a handful of other mechanics that are important for any fledgling Ruler to understand. One of these is the Council, which pops up occasionally to offer you…

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Final Fantasy X: Anima

Anima is one of the three optional Aeons you can get for Yuna. You can recruit her any time after obtaining the airship, but you will have to have gotten all of the hidden treasures in the Cloister of Trials.…