
final fantasy hd remaster battle system tidus 812517403

Final Fantasy X: Overdrives Guide

Overdrives are Final Fantasy X’s version of Limit Breaks. It allows a character to use a special attack that’s unique to them. Overdrives have a wide variety of effects depending on the character, from powerful attacks to buffing your party.…

the golden bow and the palace the forgotten city walkthrough

Part 2: The Golden Bow and the Palace

If you’ve been following our walkthrough from the beginning, you should just be leaving Malleolus’s house. From Malleolus’s house, head straight and up the long staircase to enter the market. Continue through the market until you reach the last stall,…

featured image the forgotten city walkthrough main menu how to get best ending

The Forgotten City Walkthrough

Welcome to our walkthrough for the mystery adventure game The Forgotten City! This guide will lead you to the “best” ending (of 4), and therefore we encourage you to go ahead and try to complete the game at least once…

The top of the trading interface in Hearts of Iron IV.

How Trade Works in Hearts of Iron IV

During your conquests in Hearts of Iron IV, you will inevitably find that running a self-sufficient country is incredibly difficult. As you expand your industrial capabilities and introduce new technologies to your military, the need for different types of resources…