Collectibles – Hogwarts Legacy

There are hundreds of collectibles across more than a dozen different types in Hogwarts Legacy, sometimes intertwining with each other. This can make collecting everything in Hogwarts Legacy a daunting task.

Thankfully, we’ve made it a bit easier by compiling a list of every collectible in Hogwarts Legacy, with guides for where and how to acquire each, so that you can complete your Collections as efficiently as possible.

ui t collectionscard front Collections

Many collectibles (and some things which are not) contribute to the Collections Page. The Collections is where all entries for Enemies, Appearance Items, Guide Pages, etc. go. Some collection objects are those you’ll acquire over the course of the game (such as entries for Enemies, Tools, Beasts, and Ingredients), others are explicitly tied to collectibles, as listed below.

ui t map lostpage Field Guide Pages

Field Guide Pages are pages scattered throughout Hogwarts Legacy which you can collect in order to fill up your Field Guide. These pages can either be found by casting Revelio near them after tracking a hidden one down near a landmark or object (in which case you’ll be given a Revelio Page that will give you specific information on the landmark or object), or by casting Confringo, Levioso, or Accio at one of several special objects, or by completing a Lumos Moth puzzle.

Field Guide Pages give you 80 XP each, and progress the “Field Guide Pages” Challenges to unlock Appearance Collections.

  • there are 236 Field Guide Pages in Hogwarts Legacy
hogwarts legacy collectibles field guide pages

ui t treasurechest Collection Chests

Collection Chests are, perhaps, the most straightforward collectible. They are literal chests placed throughout the world which contain Collection items. These can include Wand Handles, Conjurations, Traits, and Appearances. Many of these Collection Chests are hidden behind Arithmancy Doors, Alohomora Locks, or deep within dungeons, though many are also accessible from the beginning. Enemy camps almost always have a Collection Chest.

  • There are 157 Collection Chests in Hogwarts Legacy
    • 35 in Hogwarts
    • 5 in Hogsmeade
    • 117 in the Highlands
hogwarts legacy collectibles collection chests

ui t map butterflies Butterflies

Butterflies are clusters of butterflies found in the wider world of Hogwarts Legacy. They lead a player on a short path before eventually coming to a patch of flowers, where they will transform into a Collection Chest. Butterflies only become available in the world after completing the side quest Follow the Butterflies, which becomes available in Hogsmeade after completing Flying Class.

  • There are 15 Butterfly Clusters in Hogwarts Legacy
    • They are only found in the Highlands
    • They only become available after the Follow the Butterflies quest in Hogsmeade
hogwarts legacy collectibles butterflies

ui t dungeon Arithmancy Doors

Arithmancy Doors are doors with mysterious mathematical equations on them, found throughout Hogwarts Castle itself. The puzzles feature two triangular diagrams, each with a missing symbol, which require you to turn two nearby wall-spinners to the correct symbol in order to open the door. There is a Collection Chest behind each Arithmancy Door.

  • There are 12 Arithmancy Doors in Hogwarts Legacy
    • They are only found in Hogwarts Castle itself
    • Arithmancy Doors do not appear on your map

Check out our Puzzle Door Solver to get quick answers to these puzzles.

hogwarts legacy collectibles arithmancy doors

ui t map balloon Balloon Sets

Balloon Sets are groups of 5 balloons that you can fly through on your broom (or flying mount) in order to pop them. Each set of 5 that you pop counts as one balloon set. They are found throughout the world.

Each Balloon Set popped gives you 50 XP, and progresses the “Pop Balloons” Exploration challenge, which unlocks additional Broom Collections.

  • There are 32 Balloon Sets in Hogwarts Legacy
    • This makes a total of 160 Balloons
    • They are only found above the Highlands
    • Balloons will not appear on your map
hogwarts legacy collectibles balloons

ui t map broomplatform Landing Platforms

Landing Platforms are circular platforms scattered around the world of Hogwarts Legacy. Landing on one will activate it, counting toward the challenge.

Each Landing Platform activated gives you 80 XP, and progresses the “Landing Platforms” Exploration challenge, which unlocks the Quidditch set Appearance Collections.

  • There are 20 Landing Platforms in Hogwarts Legacy
    • They are only found in the Highlands
    • Landing Platforms do not appear on your map
hogwarts legacy collectibles landing platforms

ui t map enemylocation Infamous Foes

Infamous Foes are special boss or miniboss enemies found throughout the world of Hogwarts Legacy. They are often found among clusters of weaker foes, and simply getting close enough to one is enough to add it to the Enemies Collection.

Defeating Infamous Foes gives you variably amounts of XP, and progresses the “Defeat Infamous Foes” Combat challenge, which unlocks the Avenging Mask Appearance Collections.

  • There are 18 Infamous Foes in Hogwarts Legacy
    • They are only found in the Highlands
hogwarts legacy collectible infamous foe

ui t map astronomyaltar Astronomy Tables

Astronomy Tables are minigame challenges found in several places throughout Hogwarts Legacy. To complete them, you will need to wait until nightfall, then peer through them in order to line up stars with constellation charts on your telescope. They become available to collect after you complete the main quest Astronomy Class, where you receive a telescope.

Completing Astronomy Tables gives you 80 XP and progresses the “Find Astronomy Tables” Exploration challenge, which unlocks the Starry-Eyed Seer Appearance Collections.

  • There are 15 Astronomy Tables in Hogwarts Legacy
    • 2 Astronomy Tables are found in Hogwarts Castle
    • 13 Astronomy Tables are found in the Highlands
hogwarts legacy collectible astronomy table

ui t sphinxpuzzle Merlin Trials

Merlin Trials are small challenges dotted around the world of Hogwarts Legacy. Most require specific spells, which you will need to use in order to perform simple tasks such as rolling a boulder or breaking pillars. Completing these tasks will activate the Merlin Trials, completing them.

Completing Merlin Trials gives you 80 XP and progresses the “Complete Merlin Trials” Exploration challenge, which gives you more capacity for Gear. You can only obtain these after completing the main quest The Trials of Merlin.

  • There are 95 Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy
    • They are only found in the Highlands
    • They only become available after completing The Trials of Merlin.
hogwats legacy collectibles merlin trials

ui t ancientmagic Ancient Magic Hotspots

Ancient Magic Hotspots are ancient ruins dotted throughout Hogwarts Legacy which hold reserves of Ancient Magic. Each requires you to activate the Ancient Magic near it, then to explore the ruins to find 3 Ancient Magic traces to absorb the Ancient Magic there.

Absorbing Ancient Magic Hotspots gives you 100 XP and progresses the “Collect Ancient Magic Traces” Exploration challenge, which gives you greater capacity for your Ancient Magic meter.

  • There are 20 Ancient Magic Hotspots in Hogwarts Legacy
    • They are only found in the Highlands
hogwarts legacy collectibles ancient magic hotspot

ui t hogwartsgrounds House Tokens (Daedalian Keys)

House Tokens are tokens found within locked cabinets throughout the Castle in Hogwarts Legacy. To get each token, you’ll need to find the nearby Daedalian Key, chase it to the cabinet, and then complete a minigame to smack it into the lock. This will open the cabinet, giving you access to the House Token within.

Finding the House Tokens is part of the side quest The Daedalian Keys, which is what will enable the Keys to spawn on the map. Finding all the House Tokens rewards you with the Relic House Uniform Appearance Collection of your house, as well as the ability to complete The Daedalian Keys.

  • There are 16 House Tokens in Hogwarts Legacy
    • They are only found in Hogwarts Castle
    • They only become available after starting The Daedalian Keys
    • House Tokens do not appear on your map
hogwarts legacy collectibles house token daedalian keys

ui t demiguisestatue Demiguise Moons

Demiguise Moons are collectibles held by Demiguise Statues, which are found within buildings throughout Hogwarts Legacy. To collect them, you will need to grab them at night. They can be returned to Mr. Moon as part of the side quest The Man Behind the Moons (after The Caretaker’s Lunar Lament) in order to unlock better versions of Alohomora.

Collecting Demiguise Statues progresses the quest The Man Behind the Moons, which is required for ranks II and III of the unlocking spell, Alohomora.

  • There are 33 Demiguise Statues in Hogwarts Legacy
    • 10 Demiguise Statues can be found in Hogwarts Castle
    • 9 Demiguise Statues can be found in Hogsmeade
    • 11 Demiguise Statues can be found in inhabited places in the Highlands
    • Demiguise Moons do not appear on your map
hogwarts legacy collectibles demiguise moon

We hope these Collectible guides have been helpful in helping you find everything in Hogwarts Legacy. If you notice anything our house elves missed, or need a professor’s help in locating anything, please let us know in the comments below.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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