Hogwarts Legacy Celebrates Anniversary with Stats, Bloopers, and More

About one year ago on February 10, 2023, Hogwarts Legacy released and became an instant success, selling tens of millions of copies worldwide across all platforms. In that time, Witches and Wizards across the globe have had their chance to leave their mark on the Wizarding World. And Portkey Games, the developers of Hogwarts Legacy, have been keeping track!

On February 7th, in the lead-up to the Anniversary, the team put out a post on X (still not used to that) with several infographics, detailing player stats from the last year. Some of our personal highlights:sd

  • Slytherin is the most picked house at 30%, and that Ravenclaw is the least picked at 17% (perhaps because Ravenclaw lacked a quest? Or maybe players just weren’t that studious.)
  • 5.30 billion spiders were exterminated. That’s nearly .001% of the total estimated global spider population, so we are making good progress!
  • 637 million magical beasts have been captured. Conservation efforts: maximal.

The next day, Portkey Games followed up those fascinating infographics with what might be there magnum opus: a Developer Blooper Reel, showcasing the funniest glitches and errors that Hogwarts Legacy had to offer during its development. Between the bobbleheads and Professor Garlick suddenly falling through the floor, it is well worth it for a few laughs. Thank goodness for QA testers!

And finally, on the actual Anniversary itself (February 10th), the team put out a short, heartfelt message thanking players for the last year of witchcraft and wizardry. The post on X features a brief clip with various moments from the game, captions “In honour of one year of living the unwritten, happy anniversary to all who brought Hogwarts Legacy to life!”

So, here’s to one year! Maybe now is a good time to pop back into Hogsmeade to enjoy some Butterbeer. Just make sure you aren’t late to classes!

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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