Hogwarts Legacy Summer Update is Here – New Content and End of Exclusive DLC

The long-awaited (and much promoted) Summer Update for Hogwarts Legacy is finally live on all platforms, bringing with it a wave of new content, the end of PlayStation and Deluxe edition exclusive content, photo mode, and a slew of bug fixes and other features. This update is the first update to the game since June of 2023, over a year ago, and is the biggest update to the game since its release, hence the excitement.

The most important of the exclusive content that will now be available to all players is the Haunted Shop Mission, which was previously exclusive only to PlayStation platforms. The mission features an exclusive quest set in Hogsmeade where you must confront the spirits haunting an old shop, and at the end you are given the shop, which accrued money over time.

In addition, the Patch also unlocks the Onyx Hippogriff Mount skin for your mount, and the Shopkeeper Cosmetic Set, as part of the Haunted Shop mission. Lastly, the Patch unlocked the Felix Felicis Potion recipe for all players, which highlights unopened chests on the minimap (which is about as good as luck, right?).

As for new content, Players will have access to the Lavender Borealis broom skin, a set of Azakaban Prisoner gear, and “Circular Taped Spectacles” that might just remind you of a certain boy who lived.

There are also a couple of new and notable features coming to the game, the most interesting of which being the addition of a Photo Mode, which will unlock after players gain access to their field guides early in the game. This feature-rich Photo Mode will let you capture the magic of Hogwarts in all its majesty, as well as make a bunch of funny faces. As well, the Patch will finally give players the option to reset (or respec) their talent points, so you aren’t stuck with talents you aren’t going to be using.

This is all in combination with quite a few bug fixes, generally aimed at increasing the stability of the game as a whole. The full patch list for Hogwarts Legacy’s Summer Patch is as follows:

Hogwarts Legacy Summer Patch Notes


  • Implemented several updated localized Voice Over retakes for Japanese and Spanish.
  • Fixed the Brazilian Portuguese translation of “Silver Rim Spectacles”.
  • Fixed a Typo in the “Wingardium Leviosa” French spell description.
  • Fixed several Voice Over cut-offs throughout the game.


  • Fixed several Voice Over cut-offs throughout the game.
  • Fixed instance where the SFX/Dialogue Volume would become louder than the music Volume while using stereo devices and being set to 50%.


  • Fixed instance that made player unable to select field guide pages’ options when accessing the menu while holding down the basic spell cast button. 
  • Fixed instance where loading a Manual Save or Fast traveling to certain locations would cause alohamora prompts to disappear from magical beast cages. 
  • Fixed instance where Dark Arts spells would become not equippable after equipping regural spells in loadout 1.
  • Fixed instance where the mission icon for the last arc of the Broom race would linger on screen after completion.


  • Removed butterflies misleading players to previously opened treasure chests. 
  • Fixed Instance where using the Swift talent on the edge of the map would cause mission progression to linger on the “Seach for the Rune Symbol” step. 


  • Fixed instance where the Fountain on Hogwarts grounds flying field guide page wouldn’t count towards the Map Counters or The Bell Tower Wing Sector.


  • Fixed instance where Lodgok would occasionally remain stuck inside the Hogshead in Hogsmeade instead of traveling to the Witch’s Tomb, preventing player progression.


  • Fixed instance where it wouldn’t be possible for the avatar to climb and reach a treasure chest in the High Keep.
  • Fixed instance where the Legendary Masquerade Masks would clip within the avatar’s face when equipped.
  • Fixed instance where swimming to treasure vault near Keenbridge would cause the avatar to fly into the air.
  • Fixed instance where Professor Garlick and Professor Hecat could get stuck moving in the air after leaving the hospital.
  • Fixed instance where a loading screen would cause a cage door to lock up again without regenerating an alohamora lock on it in a bandit camp on the north end of the map.
  • Fixed instance where loading a save and fast travelling to any location would make alohomora locks disappear from fixed cages.
  • Fixed instance where bone clusters would lose collision and fall through the floor when interacted with.


  • Fixed Instance where Loyalist assassin enemies’ attacks would not damage the avatar.


  • Fixed instance where blinding lighting VFX would display when exiting the Hallway castle vault.
  • Fixed instance where light changes would be visible when the camera angle shifts while in conversation with Professor Garlick in the Greenhouse.


  • Fixed instance where setting left handed mode while in the vivarium caused the avatar to drink a potion or deploy combat plants while attempting to access the beasts’ menu. 


  • Updated Credits


  • SDK Updates/Platform support
    • Razer Chroma SDK support
    • Streamline 2.4
    • DLSS 3.7
    • FSR 2
    • XeSS 1.3
    • DualSense/DualShock Controller 1.5.0 for improved PC support
  • UI
    • Fixed instance where the Spell menu would become inaccessible after binding Spell Selection to the TAB key, preventing player progression. 
    • Fixed instance where game would freeze whenever two HUDS would overlap.
    • Fixed instance where the background of the menu would flash white when switching to a lower graphics preset.
  • Lighting
    • Fixed instance where moving the camera while on a specific Merlin Puzzle platform in Keenbridge would cause a strobe effect on the lighting.
    • Fixed instance where ambient hues would change abruptly when moving the camera in Hogsmeade.
  • Raytracing
    • Cleaned up rogue semi-translucent meshes in BVH.

Ah, you can feel the warmth in the air. But, though it may be Summer, it’s not yet time to take a break away from Hogwarts. On the contrary, it’s time to head back to the school once more, to see all the new features and content added by the Summer Update! See you in Transfiguration class, witches and wizards?

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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