Hearts of Iron IV

The panel where laws are in Hearts of Iron IV.

Impact of Laws in Hearts of Iron IV

Internal management of your country occurs through changing laws in Hearts of Iron IV. These laws influence how ready your country is for war and help you realize the full potential of your war machine. Each law costs 150 political…

The top of the trading interface in Hearts of Iron IV.

How Trade Works in Hearts of Iron IV

During your conquests in Hearts of Iron IV, you will inevitably find that running a self-sufficient country is incredibly difficult. As you expand your industrial capabilities and introduce new technologies to your military, the need for different types of resources…

The top of the construction menu in Hearts of Iron IV.

Hearts of Iron IV – Construction & Buildings

Throughout Hearts of Iron IV, the player is bound to construct something at some point. Whether its repairing vital infrastructure or expanding your production capacity, construction is a vital mechanic to utilize throughout your campaigns. What is Construction? Construction is…