Legend of Grimrock Development Update

Rather than give us a general overview of the development progress they’ve made on Legend of Grimrock this week, Almost Human has simply provided the full changelog since the last beta build. I’ll go ahead and quote it all just for effect:

– added a new spell (with 4 variations)
– tweaked shields
– added legionary shield, legionary spear and a new helmet
– added and tweaked monster loot drops
– added elemental resistances to XXX
– tweaked nutrition values of food items
– modeled and animated background scene for XXX
– removed offhandedness (any weapon can now be wielded in left or right hand)
– any item can now be carried in hand slots
– separated attack power and accuracy values for left and right hand
– attack icons now double act as inventory slots so that items can be quickly exchanged between prisoners
– reduced arrow count a little in level 3
– tweaked skeleton archer audio volumes and distances
– improved lvl3 monster teleport puzzle
– added new decorative floor objects
– added dragon statue dungeon prop
– smoothed Warden idle animation
– improved level 2 herder cavern section
– removed damage text colors (green text for poison can be easily confused with healing)
– polished automap background
– resized vault treasure map
– wall texts now use scaled font
– added secret found sound
– improved scroll gui
– mouse item name is displayed on screen under portraits
– compressed a few textures
– added broken crate block model
– added dungeon wall dirt and spider webs
– added broken barrels & crates
– tweaked dungeon walls & pillars
– added spider eggs
– updated XXX rig and fixed a bug
– animated XXX to rotate longer after explosion
– item placement tweaked in a few places
– added broken blockage meshes
– blockages can now be damaged with area of effect spells
– added new notes by Toorum
– added a new puzzle
– implemented rush attack for Warden
– improved credits
– improved Warden walk animation
– slow-motion debris effect for XXX animated
– audio pass for Warden
– modeled wall ivies and ceiling roots (not placed into levels yet)
– improved game over
– tweaked player’s torch position, color and intensity a bit
– tweaked a few puzzles
– added new secrets
– added treasure items
– added treasures found statistic
– added soundtrack for XXX
– improved transition between XXX and XXX
– increased number of charges for XXX, XXX and XXX
– tweaked armor weights
– added heavy armor proficiency requirement for some items
– cloaks now give evasion bonuses
– added optional secret section to level XX
– separated troll attack and impact sounds
– added a few traps
– added secondary troll attack animation
– slowed down troll attack rate a bit
– added impact sound for monster attacks
– increased accuracy of troll and Warden attacks
– improved graphics and placement of tooltips
– small herder attack jump animation smooth pass
– diviner’s cloak modeled
– added pointy shoes
– long bow modeled
– tooltips now scale with resolution
– improved ui scaling for commonly used resolutions
– new hires graphics for character sheet, portraits and attack icons
– added food and load meters to stats tab
– scaled up dead character portrait
– improved map note markers
– added compass
– XXX modeled
– fixed fireball trap timer
– updated Warden attack left and right animations
– added audio for blobs
– improved blob particles
– improved level 2 a bit
– added audio for climbing stairs
– longer underscore in font 24
– reduced projectile shadow map resolution from 256 to 128
– fixed a secret that triggered incorrectly
– fixed troll attack animation not to clip with temple gate arches
– bug fix: teleporting items between levels is not implemented
– bug fix: throwing items into stairs is buggy
– bug fix: if player is standing on stairs he can’t go back to the previous level
– bug fix: item orientation is buggy when projectile drops to floor
– bug fix: player doesn’t fall into pits
– bug fix: monsters sometimes walk through walls and each other if the party passes through them on another level
– bug fix: heavy armor penalty applies even if the item is in backpack
– bug fix: mouse item info and formation panel do not take ui scaling into account
– bug fix: monster teleporting did not work and always triggered (NYI: teleporting monster to another level) warning
– bug fix: alt-tabbing in intro crashes the game
– bug fix: monsters rush into open pits
– bug fix: player sometimes goes through rushing monsters when both the monster and player is moving
– bug fix: monsters sometimes walk through sliding walls or closed doors when levels are reloaded or when restoring a saved game
– bug fix: if game is saved while party is moving, the loaded save game has an invisible obstacle in the tile where the party was moving to
– bug fix: projectiles do not collide against crystals and blockages
– bug fix: diseased champions are not resurrected properly
– bug fix: XXX does the side attack through closed doors
– bug fix: dead prisoners are incorrectly resurrected when drinking a healing potion, buying a health upgrade or gaining a level
– bug fix: crystals remove the level up icons
– bug fix: touching crystals creates an invisible obstacle if player is moving
– bug fix: items can be thrown through character sheet and sidecar panels
– bug fix: time multiplier is reset to 1 when mouse is clicked
– bug fix: player’s torch doesn’t rotate properly with the camera
– bug fix: items added to altars are not placed in the level causing them to act up weirdly
– bug fix: altars cease to work after first activation
– bug fix: game crashes when XXX starts moving
– bug fix: healing indicators are not ui scaled properly
– bug fix: map note drawing crashes

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