History of the Sixth Crusade – Lionheart

In 1461, a respected official of the Spanish government was accused of practicing magic and was brought before the Inquisition. The prisoner confounded the four Inquisitors, resisting their attempts at exorcism, demonstrating inhuman endurance, and speaking in ancient languages to confuse them. After days of arduous proceedings, two of the four Inquisitors collapsed from exhaustion. The third Inquisitor fell prey to a strange malady after the prisoner asked to speak with him privately so that he could confess his sins. When other Inquisitors returned, they found the interrogator babbling about the “Fell Spirits” while the prisoner laughed.

Learned bishops and high-ranking Inquisitors came to examine the man and were equally frustrated by his openly hostile and resilient attitude. Though these Inquisitors were no closer to exorcising the prisoner’s demon, he spoke proudly of ages past, when the Fell Spirits were known as demons to many of the old religions. To the Hindus, they were known as the terrible Daityas; to the Persians, the Daevas; Buddhists knew them as the hungry Pretas; the Hebrews called one of the Fell Spirits Asmodeous, and the Christians feared Lucifer above all else.

Although the official record of the final interrogation with the first Fell Spirit has never been released, it is widely believed that the Grand Inquisitor visited the Fell Spirit and concluded the interrogation. Some historians have recorded that Torquemada summoned and bound a divine spirit, one who had opposed the Fell Spirit on many occasions in the past. According to these historians, Torquemada did not emerge from the chambers for several days, but eventually succeeded with the exorcism. It is rumored that Torquemada imprisoned the Fell Spirit deep within the chambers of the Inquisition so that its evil could not corrupt others again.

Word of the incident with the Fell Spirit spread quickly. It was widely believed that demonic forces had infiltrated the governments of other kingdoms.

The Inquisition initiated a widespread campaign to ferret out others in positions of power who were possessed by the Fell Spirits. The resulting hysteria crippled the capitals of Europe, as the Inquisition restricted travel and trade between cities. Communities turned on each other, and hundreds, possibly thousands, of innocents found themselves facing the harsh interrogations of the Inquisition.

In 1463, the Inquisition sent representatives to London to ensure the sanctity of the English monarchy. When the Inquisitors requested an audience with Queen Elizabeth, they were allowed to meet her in the presence of her honor guard. While exact details of the encounter are not known, it is evident that the Inquisitors attempted to interrogate the queen. Offended, Elizabeth had the Inquisitors put to death. The incident severely damaged relations between England and the Inquisition, and the two nearly went to war. However, in 1464, diplomacy prevailed and an unsteady truce ensued.

By this time, the Inquisition had also started to curtail the search for more Fell Spirits. Though many dark creatures were found hiding in the shadows of the cities of men, they could find no evidence of any other dreaded Fell Spirits infiltrating the governments of Europe. The crusade’s success could be measured only by the hysteria it induced and the innocents who suffered.

Though the crusade against the Fell Spirits ended, the relations between England the Inquisition had suffered irreparable damage. Both the English and Spanish nations built up their navies to protect their trade routes and overseas interests. Over the years, occasional skirmishes flared up, slowly fueling the fires of discontent on both sides. In the 15th century, Spain sent out navigators to explore the seas and search for new trade routes. One such explorer, Christopher Columbus, set sail in August 1492 and barely survived a harrowing voyage across the treacherous Atlantic Ocean. He sailed along the north coast of Hispaniola and returned to Spain in 1493, telling the king about the wealthy and powerful tribes of the New World.

Impressed with his discovery, King Ferdinand funded a second voyage in 1493, granting Columbus a small army to establish a settlement in the New World. Blown off course by terrible storms, Columbus’ fleet finally landed in North America. Columbus ordered his army to clear a swath of overgrown jungle to create a settlement for Spain, La Isabela. Two weeks later, indigenous tribes, riding monstrous reptilian mounts, attacked and butchered the colonists, killing Columbus and most of his troops. The few survivors of the expedition sailed back to Spain in 1494, and spoke of the horrors.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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