Montaillou – Lionheart Walkthrough

This guide gives a walkthrough for a portion of the Montaillou area in Lionheart. As a supplemental aid, the walkthrough includes a map of the area and a map legend.


1 – Blue Crystal
2 – Leonardo DaVinci
3 – Bear
4 – Cathar Warden
5 – Henri
6 – Maury the Shepherd
7 – Hut of the Weird Woman
8 – Tavern of the Bright Sword
9 – Cemetery
10 – Cihlar’s Statue
11 – Beatrice the Chicken
12 – Temple
13 – Louis the Beggar
14 – Guillaume
15 – Nanghaithya
16 – Vault
17 – Mayor’s House
18 – Beatrice’s House
19 – Adelie’s House
20 – Brother Michel’s House
21 – Lucius
22 – Another Murder Victim
23 – Esclarmonde


1 – Blue Crystal

2 – Leonardo DaVinci

You’ll need to ask DaVinci about two things:

  • a) “What business do you have in Montaillou?” DaVinci will tell you that he came to pick up a Spirit Gem from the merchant Guillaume, but that Guillaume hasn’t shown up yet. So go talk to Guillaume (#14), and he’ll tell you that Inquisitor Fournier caught him with the gem and confiscated it. So go talk to Fournier (#12), and, if you do his quests, or if your speech rating is at least 95, he’ll let you have the gem. You can also sneak and then pick open the chest with the gem to gain it. Once you have the Spirit Gem, deliver it to DaVinci to complete the quest (1750 experience, 1000 gold).

    b) “Why are you checking on my progress?” This question will lead to DaVinci mentioning Nostradamus, and it will trigger a quest to find him. The Weird Woman (#7) will know where Nostradamus is and mark the location on your map. But note: You must ask this question before you complete the Spirit Gem quest, or else DaVinci will leave Montaillou, and you’ll never get the conversation option again.

3 – Bear

If you follow the bear, it will wander south and then transform into a human (see #4).

4 – Cathar Warden

The Cathar Warden starts out as a bear and then transforms into a human. If you witnessed the transformation, then you can blackmail him for 200 gold, keep his secret, or, if you’re a feralkin, learn that he’s a lycanthrope and that another family in Montaillou has the same affliction. You can also kill the warden (he’ll transform into a bear again) for 38 experience.

5 – Henri

He’ll ask you to help his father, Maury the Shepherd (#6).

6 – Maury the Shepherd

You’ll find him under attack from a few vodyanoi. You won’t get any reward for saving him, but you can force him to give up his last gold piece (and it won’t cost you any karma).

7 – Hut of the Weird Woman

The Weird Woman is also known as the witch, Na Roqua and Druj, the Daeva of Lies and Deception. Your spirit will warn you about her, but you can ignore the warning. The Weird Woman has transformed herself into a being of Good.

If you talk to the Weird Woman, you can tell her you seek the relics guarded by the Knights Templar. Then if you promise not to harm the Cathars, the Weird Woman will turn into a shopkeeper. If you’ve spoken to Leonardo DaVinci about Nostradamus (see #1), you can also ask her for Nostradamus’ location.

8 – Tavern of the Bright Sword

Although you can speak to Leonardo DaVinci and a feralkin merchant named Aidan in the tavern, the tavern’s main purpose is to set up a treasure quest. Start out by talking to the barkeep, telling him that you’d like to earn some gold. He’ll tell you the legend of the former owner of the tavern, a meat-eater named Jean Phillippe Cihlar, who hid a treasure underneath a statue in Montaillou. He’ll go on to say that you can talk to the ghost of Cihlar if you bring him some wine. So buy some wine from the barkeep, and then head to the Montaillou Cemetery (#9).

At the northwestern edge of the cemetery you’ll find Cihlar’s gravestone. When you click on it, his ghost will appear. He won’t give you the password for his statue, but he will say, “Only one like me will ever spend my gold.” That is, you need to be a meat-eater, too. So go back to the tavern and talk to the Inquisitor there. He’ll offer you some meat, and you should accept it. That will upset the Cathars in the tavern, and when you leave they’ll accost you. If you want to, you can talk your way past them (250 experience, but -25 karma if you’re with the Inquisition) or you can kill them (15 experience).

Back at Cihlar’s gravestone (you don’t need wine this time), Cihlar’s ghost will smell the meat on your breath, and he’ll give you the password. Then just click on the statue (#10) to reveal a treasure chamber where you can find the Maelstrom Bow of the Horde (+25% electrical damage, +20% piercing damage).

9 – Cemetery

10 – Cihlar’s Statue

11 – Beatrice the Chicken

12 – Temple

Inside the temple, you can talk to Inquisitor (Bishop) Fournier. He’ll ask you to do two things:

  • a) Spy on the mayor. Talk to the mayor until he mentions Beatrice to you.
  • b) Find the witch. Talk to the witch to “find” her.

Both quests will earn you 250 experience, and neither will impact the game. (The mayor won’t be arrested or treat you any differently, for example.)

13 – Louis the Beggar

Louis isn’t really a beggar. He’s just lazy. Nothing you say or do to him will affect the game.

14 – Guillaume

Guillaume is a merchant and a con artist, so talk to him about DaVinci’s Spirit Gem (see #1) before making any deals with him.

15 – Nanghaithya

Nanghaithya is another Daeva. You might have met him in Barcelona (he was the one killing people). To defeat Nanghaithya, you must have an item “of the prophet.” You can get one by examining the corpse outside Barcelona and then talking to Amir at the Order of Saladin camp, or you can get one from the Weird Woman (#7) after you’ve tried fighting Nanghaithya and realized it’s hopeless.

Then, if your speech rating is at least 110, you can tell Nanghaithya that you defeated Aka Manah, and he’ll run off (2500 experience). Otherwise, you’ll have to fight him. Nanghaithya can be difficult to kill because he hits hard and casts spells, but his power is fixed. So if you have trouble with him, just do some other things for a while and then come back. When you kill him, you’ll receive 2750 experience. Be sure to pick up the Stone Key he drops (whether he dies or flees). It opens the vault (#16).

16 – Vault

Inside, you can flip a switch to activate a Lightning War Golem. It will follow you for the rest of the game.

17 – Mayor’s House

The mayor will tell you about his mistress Beatrice, and how he accidentally transferred her spirit into a chicken. To help Beatrice, you first have to find her (#11), and then you have to lead her to the Weird Woman (#7), fighting off wolves along the way (2500 experience). Once Beatrice is back to her old self, return to the mayor to receive 1000 gold. The mayor will then offer to sell you magical items. Finally, you can talk to Beatrice in her house (#18) to receive a bottle of wine.

18 – Beatrice’s House

19 – Adelie’s House

Adelie is a shopkeeper.

20 – Brother Michel’s House

You’ll find a rock titan named Lucius (#21) guarding the house. He won’t want to let you in, and so you’ll have to convince him. There are a variety of ways to do this. You can bribe him or lie to him or tell him that Brother Michel’s life might be in danger. You can even duel him (but don’t force attack him; it’s possible the door to Brother Michel’s house can’t be picked).

Inside, tell Brother Michel about the relic at Montserrat, and then ask him about the one being guarded near Montaillou. He’ll tell you about Le Crypte de la Lance Sainte, which holds the Bleeding Lance, and he’ll mark the location of the crypt on your world map.

If you recognize that Brother Michel is a demokin (the dialogue option requires 7 perception), you can gain 60 karma.

Finally, if you talk to Brother Michel after learning about the rock titan attack on Toulouse, and if you indicate you’re going to attack the titans by yourself, Brother Michel will give you Michel’s Amulet (+15% crushing and electrical resistance).

21 – Lucius

Once you speak with Esclarmonde about the rock titan attack on Toulouse, and with the mayor about how Lucius is supposedly protecting Montaillou from the same fate, go back to Lucius to get his version of what’s going on. He’ll admit that he lied to the mayor, and he’ll ask you to go to Toulouse to kill the four Elder Titans there, and to return their Stone Hearts to him.

However, when you arrive in Toulouse, if you talk to the rock titans there, you’ll learn that Lucius is an oath-breaker, and that the rock titans need Lucius’ heart (Mneme) because it contains the collective memories of the tribe. If you kill Lucius so you can return his Mneme to the rock titans, you’ll receive a magical item and/or 1500-2000 gold, plus 1776 experience. If you decide to help Lucius instead, you’ll receive about 7500 experience for killing the rock titans in Toulouse, plus 3500 experience and 2500 gold when you return to Lucius. If you decide to stay out of the matter entirely, you can still earn 5000 experience by talking to Lucius after you return from Toulouse.

22 – Another Murder Victim

That’s right, the Daeva you met in Barcelona is now in Montaillou (see #14).

23 – Esclarmonde

After talking to Lucius and Brother Michel, Esclarmonde will show up in the center of town and demand help for Toulouse, which for some reason has been attacked by rock titans. She’ll even claim that the rock titans are eating the inhabitants. Agree to help her, and to look for her husband Thierry.

In Toulouse, you can rescue the prisoners (including Thierry) by killing all of the rock titans, or by killing Lucius for the rock titans, but there’s also a stealthy way to do it. Since the rock titans won’t start out hostile to you, you can talk to them to learn about what’s going on. Among other things, you’ll learn from Iapetus how Nanghaithya (#15) has been feeding on the inhabitants, and how he even attacked a rock titan named Mathuo. Go talk to Mathuo, and you’ll learn he was “dipping into mercury” at the time of the attack. Then if you go to the spot of the attack, you’ll find his mercury, and when you return it to him you can suggest he share it with Poimaino, who is guarding the prisoners. With the prison guard out of the way, you can talk to Thierry and tell him it’s safe to escape.

Back in Montaillou, you’ll find Thierry next to Esclarmonde. If you ask him about a reward, he’ll tell you about 1000 gold he hid in Toulouse. If you accept the reward, you can go to Toulouse and pick up the gold. If you tell Thierry that he and Esclarmonde could use it more than you, you’ll receive 100 karma. Regardless of what you do with the reward, you’ll receive 4000 experience.

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Kelson H.
Kelson H.

Kelson is a spud head from out west. He is most happy when holding a milky tea with too much honey and playing a sprawling role playing game or reading a fantasy novel. His video game tastes vary but his main genres are looter shooters, RPGs, and real time strategy games.

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