Mass Effect 3

BioWare Bazaar Announced

BioWare’s six-day countdown has come to a close, with the big announcement being a set of community auctions they intend to run throughout the month of April. Entitled BioWare Bazaar, the auction system will feature 412 different prizes (including Mass…

Mass Effect/Unreal Engine 3 Diary

Epic Games vice president Mark Rein has contributed a new Unreal Engine 3 diary to Develop, with this particular article focusing on why BioWare chose their popular engine for the Mass Effect series. Lead designer Casey Hudson provides some feedback,…

Mysterious BioWare Countdown Begins

BioWare has kicked off a mysterious six-day countdown that spans both their homepage and all of their game-related subsites. There doesn’t seem to be any indication of what it’s counting down to, but I suppose we’ll know what it all…

BioWare Interview

Just when I start to think we’ve seen the last of the GDC-based interviews with BioWare’s Ray Muyzka and Greg Zeschuk, another one pops up.  This latest interview is over at Joystiq, where the conversation is primarily about DLC and…

BioWare Interviews

The new week starts off with yet another pair of interviews that were conducted with BioWare’s Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk during the recent Game Developers Conference. First, we have a Q&A at about Star Wars: The Old Republic,…

BioWare Interviews

BioWare doctors Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk continue to field questions about their design philosophy and the company’s most recent releases, starting with part three of GameInformer’s ongoing Q&A: Speaking of good games correct me if I’m wrong but thinking…

BioWare Interview, Part One

UGO has kicked up the first installment to a multi-part interview they did with BioWare’s Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk at last week’s GDC. Here’s a quick update on what’s going on with EA’s BioWare/Mythic RPG group: UGO: Can you…

BioWare Interview

GameSpy caught up with BioWare’s Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk during this year’s GDC, and presented the doctors with a slew of questions about the company’s history, their design philosophy, what role they might play in 38 Studios’ Project Mercury, the…

Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, and the Streamlined Future

Despite being two very different games, the guys over at 1UP seem to think that Mass Effect 2 and Final Fantasy XIII share one glaring similarity – they both eschew typical RPG conventions in order to appeal to “modern audiences”.…

BioWare’s Goals For Mass Effect 3

Joystiq listened in on a lecture given by BioWare’s Christina Norman at this year’s GDC, during which she claimed that Mass Effect 3 will have “richer RPG features” to satisfy fans who weren’t too happy about the stripped down role-playing…