Mass Effect 3

Next Mass Effect Comic-Con Panel Reports, Video

Yesterday lead animator Carl Boulay, producer Fabrice Condominas, senior artist Noel Lukasewich, community manager Jessica Merizan and producer Mike Gamble hosted a San Diego Comic-Con panel titled Charting a Course: Developing the Next Mass Effect which, as you might imagine,…

BioWare Next Mass Effect and New IP E3 Video

EA and BioWare have shared a new promotional video for E3 that shares commentary from Casey Hudson and other development team members about the next Mass Effect title, as well as “a whole new game, built in an entirely new…

BioWare Releases Mass Effect Name Statistics

If you were curious to know how other players named their own commander Shepards, BioWare has released some name statistics on their blog. According to their infographic, the most popular male name is “Jack” and the most popular female name…

Five Agonizing Choices from BioWare Games

You’ll have to forget about the first half dozen titles and accompanying expansion packs that BioWare developed as you read through this piece on Gamemoir that covers “five agonizing choices” we’ve had to make in the Dragon Age and Mass…

Unconfirmed: Mass Effect Trilogy Coming to Xbox One and PS4

I can’t think of any conceivable reason why EA and BioWare wouldn’t want to re-release the original Mass Effect trilogy on the latest generation of console hardware, but given the fact that the source is a relatively obscure Chilean retailer,…

Mass Effect: The Way of the Gunsword

A new entry called “The Way of the Gunsword” on the BioWare Blog takes us through the brainstorming and decision-making that the design team goes through when coming up with appropriate weapons for the Mass Effect universe, and its appearance…

Mass Effect 4 Editorials

While we have no reason to believe that BioWare’s next installment in the Mass Effect series will carry a “4” behind its name, that hasn’t stopped people from around the world to do some speculation based on the information made…