Asteroid X57 Main Facility – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore the main facility of Asteroid X57 as part of the Bring Down the Sky DLC for Mass Effect.

Asteroid X57 Main Facility Map

mass effect asteroid x57 main facility map
  1. Arrival
  2. Grenade Storage Box and Aid Station
  3. Batarian Resistance/Balak
  4. Demolition Charge #1
  5. Demolition Charge #2
  6. Demolition Charge #3
  7. Grenade Storage Box
  8. Grenade Storage Box
  9. Prison Cell

Asteroid X57 Main Facility Overview

1 – Arrival

Kate Bowman, R. Montoya, and Balak are all here somewhere. It’s just a matter of finding them.

2 – Grenade Storage Box and Aid Station

Replenish your medi-gel and grenade supplies. You’ll need them.

3 – Batarian Resistance/Balak

The facility’s main courtyard is heavily defended by Batarian Troopers, Batarian Shock Troopers, Batarian Engineers, and Defense Drones. If you have any trouble dealing with them, use the side rooms for cover or make a few well-placed shots at the explosive canisters strewn about the area. When the last one falls, Balak himself with enter the courtyard and a conversation will take place.

Balak intends to leave the asteroid and threatens to detonate explosive charges that will kill the hostages if you try to stop him. This leaves you with a tough choice with no clear answer. If you let him go, you’ll earn a massive amount of Paragon points and the hostages will live. If you stop him, you’ll earn a massive amount of Renegade points and the hostages are all killed.

Should you choose the former route, the bastard leaves you with three explosives to defuse in less than 3 minutes (see areas #4-6) along with several annoying Defense Drones to deal with. Should you choose the latter route, Balak will trigger force fields around the facility that gives him and his men precious time to position themselves around the area. In all, you’ll be up against a few Batarian Bodyguards, two Batarian War Beasts, two Defense Drones, and, of course, Balak. It’s a fairly difficult battle, so find some cover and don’t rush out in the open.

When the fight concludes, Balak will begin issuing threats including one that “someday soon” the human race will pay for what it’s done to the Batarians. You can either leave him for the Alliance to deal with, wound him, or kill him outright. I think we both know what he deserves, but the choice is ultimately up to you.

With Terra Nova saved, you’ll receive the Colonial Savior achievement (50 Gamerpoints) just as chief engineer Simon thanks you for what you’ve done. He’ll take the news that Balak escaped (if you let him go) or Katie’s death (if you took Balak down) hard, but he’s grateful nonetheless. As a sign of his appreciation, he’ll offer you a (random, but good) suit of light human armor, medium human armor, heavy human armor, quarian armor, or, if you have sufficient Charm or Intimidate scores, his omni-tool. Choose whichever suits you best, then continue exploring Asteroid X57 or head back up to the Normandy to resume your mission.

4 – Demolition Charge #1

If you let Balak leave the asteroid alive, then you’ll be forced to deactivate this demolition charge (via a standard XYBA minigame) before it detonates. If you attacked him, then the charge isn’t an issue.

5 – Demolition Charge #2

You’ll find the second demolition charge in this recessed area along the second floor balcony.

6 – Demolition Charge #3

The third demolition charge rests within the facility’s medical bay. There are also a couple of aid stations in here, should you need some medi-gel.

7 – Grenade Storage Box

Should your stock of grenades get low, you can grab some more here.

8 – Grenade Storage Box

Another box of grenades for the taking.

9 – Prison Cell

The three prisoners Balak took hostage are holed up in this cell. If you chose to attack Balak, then there’s obviously no reason to even look inside. If you let him go and defused the demolition charges, then you can open the cell to free Kate and the scientists. Katie thanks you personally and then goes to tend to her dead brother, Aaron.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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