Citadel: Presidium – Mass Effect

This guide will help you explore the presidium area of the Citadel in Mass Effect.

Citadel: Presidium Map

mass effect citadel presidium map
  1. Arrival
  2. Computer Console
  3. Volus and Elcor Embassy
  4. Keeper #1
  5. Embassy Receptionist
  6. Presidium Tourism Terminal I
  7. Diplomatic Archives
  8. Keeper #2
  9. Executor Pallin
  10. Computer Console
  11. Bartender
  12. Keeper #3
  13. Citadel Rapid Transit (Embassies)
  14. Keeper #4
  15. Exit to Flux and Wards Access
  16. Citadel Rapid Transit (Wards Access)
  17. Keeper #5
  18. Presidium Tourism Terminal II
  19. Exit to Citadel Tower
  20. Citadel Rapid Transit (Financial District)
  21. Barla Von and Signal Source #2
  22. Emporium Shopkeeper
  23. Keeper #6
  24. Keeper #7
  25. Presidium Tourism Terminal III
  26. Citadel Rapid Transit (Consort Chambers)
  27. Keeper #8
  28. Nelyna
  29. Sha’ira
  30. Exit to Wards
  31. Preaching Hanar
  32. Samesh Bhatia
  33. Clerk Bosker
  34. Signal Source #3
  35. Helena Blake

Citadel: Presidium Overview

1 – Arrival

After docking on the Citadel following your second visit to the Normandy, you’ll be brought to a quick meeting in Ambassador Udina’s office. Apparently the Council won’t step in after a Geth attack (citing that humanity knew the risks when colonizing on the far borders of the Terminus systems), but Udina is able to convince them that a full audience meeting is needed to discuss Saren’s possible treason. When this informal meeting concludes, you’re told to meet Udina and Anderson at the top of Citadel Tower. You’ll also find that the Citadel Council codex entry is now unlocked.

Since you can’t fully explore the Citadel until your meeting with the Council takes place, that should be your first order of business. However, there are a few things you can do on your way there, so mark your path on the map above and figure out what stops you want to make.

Later, after you’ve rescued Tali’Zorah nar Rayya from certain death at the hands of Saren’s assassins, you’ll be brought back to Ambassador Udina’s office to learn what incriminating evidence Tali has discovered. Udina isn’t too happy about your firefight in the wards, but he forgets about it quickly when he learns that Tali can link Saren to the Geth. After talking a bit about her Pilgrimage (Quarians’ rite of passage into adulthood), Tali plays a recording from a Geth memory core of Saren discussing the attack on Eden Prime and how the Prothean beacon there has brought him one step closer to finding “the Conduit.” He is followed by a woman talking about “the Reapers”, which Tali claims are a hyper-advanced machine race that hunted the Protheans to extinction 50,000 years ago (which you witnessed in your vision on Eden Prime).

Udina finds this all a bit far-fetched, but he can’t deny the evidence you’ve presented to him and decides to present Tali’s audio files to the Council. The Quarian doesn’t want to turn her back on the situation, so she offers to join your squad. With Tali’Zorah nar Rayya now a part of your squad, you’re given some time to take care of any loose ends before meeting Udina and Anderson on the Citadel: Tower map again.

Take a moment to look over the new Quarians: Pilgrimage codex entry you unlocked and level up your squad members if they’ve gained enough experience from saving the Quarian, then continue on your way.

2 – Computer Console

Override the encryption on this console to unearth a report about some unusual energy readings in the Hydra System within the Argos Rho cluster. This will add the “Unusual Readings” assignment, which you can begin on the planet of Metgos.

3 – Volus and Elcor Embassy

This room marks your first interaction with the Volus and Elcor species. Start off by speaking with Ambassador Calyn to learn more about the Elcor race, their speech, their history, their culture, and what exactly he does here. This will unlock the Elcor codex entry.

Next, chat with Din Korlack to learn that he’s bitter about the fact that neither the Volus or Elcor hold a seat on the Council. There’s not much you can do about it, but you can show some interest in the situation by inquiring about the Volus history and culture, as well as the circumstances surrounding who gets admittance to the Council. When the conversation has concluded, you will have unlocked the Volus codex entry.

Lastly, take a moment to speak to Xeltan and you’ll discover that he’s having some kind of issue with Sha’ira the asari Consort. He won’t tell you the details, though he does confide that she has “compromised his authority as a diplomat.” If you’ve dealt with General Septimus for Sha’ira down in Chora’s Den, then you’ll know that Xeltan’s grudge is based on lies that Septimus told him. Present him with the datapad that proves the Consort’s innocence to clear up the situation and you’ll earn some experience, credits, and Paragon or Renegade points (depending on your response) in the process. If you haven’t already, you should return to Sha’ira and report your progress.

4 – Keeper #1

Once you have Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment from the Citadel: Tower map, you’ll want to scan all twenty-one Keepers here in the Citadel to complete the task. Each one will earn you some extra experience points and credits.

5 – Embassy Receptionist

In addition to providing you directions to the human ambassador, Saphyria can answer your questions about the Presidium, the virtual guide Avina, and the embassies in general. Speaking to her about all subjects will unlock the Asari and Citadel Station: Presidium Ring codex entries.

6 – Presidium Tourism Terminal I

There are three such tourism terminals within the Citadel Presidium, and this is the first. Each terminal grants you access to Avina, a virtual intelligence program that serves as an informative guide to the Citadel’s landmarks, people, and politics. This particular terminal can tell you about Citadel Security (C-Sec), the embassies, Spectres, and the Citadel Council. Taking the tour will unlock the Computers: Virtual Intelligence (VI) codex entry.

7 – Diplomatic Archives

Sneak a peek at each of these two monitors to unlock the Citadel Conventions and Treaty of Farixen codex entries.

8 – Keeper #2

This is another of the 21 different Keepers that are part of Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment. Scan it to earn some extra experience points and credits.

9 – Executor Pallin

Pallin is surprised to see you, though that doesn’t stop him from answering some investigative questions about his attitude toward humans, Spectres, C-Sec, and what they know about Saren’s betrayal. Overall, he doesn’t have a whole lot to say, but he does tell you enough to unlock the Citadel Station: Citadel Security Services (C-Sec) codex entry.

10 – Computer Console

Decrypt the computer lying on this desk to uncover a message from “an untraceable account” calling for all biotics to meet up in the Hawking Eta cluster to “right the wrongs” done to their kind. This will give you the “Strange Transmission” assignment, which will take you to Presrop in the Century System of Hawing Eta.

11 – Bartender

Rather than providing booze, this bartender wants to share information with you. He’s willing to fill you in on all the local points of interest, including the bank, the Emporium, Sha’ira’s, the markets, Flux, and Chora’s Den.

12 – Keeper #3

This is yet another of the 21 different Keepers that are part of Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment. Scan it to earn some extra experience points and credits.

13 – Citadel Rapid Transit (Embassies)

Public transportation is important to the galactic community, so the fine people of Citadel Station have installed these nifty vehicles to quickly transport you to any of the station’s major locations. You’ll have to discover each one on foot first (or obtain a quest directly related to the location), though, otherwise the transit vehicle won’t allow you to choose it as a destination.

This particular destination will be labeled as “Presidium Locations – Embassies” if you need to travel here from one of the other transit vehicles.

14 – Keeper #4

This is yet another of the 21 different Keepers that are part of Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment. Scan it to earn some extra experience points and credits.

15 – Exit to Flux and Wards Access

At the end of this hallway is an elevator that will take you down to the Citadel: Flux and Wards Access map, though you won’t be able to use it until you’ve had your initial audience with the Council.

16 – Citadel Rapid Transit (Wards Access)

Public transportation is important to the galactic community, so the fine people of Citadel Station have installed these nifty vehicles to quickly transport you to any of the station’s major locations. You’ll have to discover each one on foot first (or obtain a quest directly related to the location), though, otherwise the transit vehicle won’t allow you to choose it as a destination.

This particular destination will be labeled as “Presidium Locations – Wards Access” if you need to travel here from one of the other transit vehicles.

17 – Keeper #5

This is yet another of the 21 different Keepers that are part of Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment. Scan it to earn some extra experience points and credits.

18 – Presidium Tourism Terminal II

There are three such tourism terminals within the Citadel Presidium, and this is the second. Each terminal grants you access to Avina, a virtual intelligence program that serves as an informative guide to the Citadel’s landmarks, people, and politics. This particular terminal can tell you about Citadel Tower, the controversial Relay Monument, and the Keepers. Investigate each subject thoroughly and you’ll unlock the Mass Relays and Keepers codex entries.

19 – Exit to Citadel Tower

You can use this elevator to reach the Citadel: Tower map. Your initial audience with the Citadel Council awaits.

20 – Citadel Rapid Transit (Financial District)

Public transportation is important to the galactic community, so the fine people of Citadel Station have installed these nifty vehicles to quickly transport you to any of the station’s major locations. You’ll have to discover each one on foot first (or obtain a quest directly related to the location), though, otherwise the transit vehicle won’t allow you to choose it as a destination.

This particular destination will be labeled as “Presidium Locations – Financial District” if you need to travel here from one of the other transit vehicles.

21 – Barla Von and Signal Source #2

Barla Von is a financial advisor to “many important clients.” He also prides himself in carrying out business in a discreet manner, so many such clients utilize him for other (law-abiding) tasks that they’d like to remain undisclosed. Make sure you quiz him about the Presidium, the Wards, and the Citadel Station on your initial visit. Doing so will unlock the Citadel Station: Wards and Credits (“Creds”) codex entries.

Once you have the “Citadel: Barla Von” assignment from Captain Anderson, you can tell Barla Von that you need his help to uncover evidence against Saren. The Shadow Broker agent will admit that he knows something about Saren, and, surprisingly, he’s willing to give it to you for free. Apparently Saren has even betrayed the Shadow Broker, so the Shadow Broker has hired a krogan mercenary to help him deal with the problem. Barla sends you down to C-Sec to see if you can catch the krogan while he’s still here on the Citadel. This conversation unlocks the Krogan codex entry and triggers the “Citadel: Wrex” assignment.

While investigating the “Citadel: Signal Tracking” assignment, you’ll discover that the signal is being bounced off a relay here in Barla Von’s office. Investigate it further and you’ll find that the signal’s final destination is in the back room of the Emporium right next door to the east (area #34).

22 – Emporium Shopkeeper

The hanar are definitely a foreign race when compared to humans, as this Emporium Shopkeeper – named Delanynder – will clearly demonstrate for you. Chat with the levitating being about the goods he sells and the hanar’s way of speaking before taking a look at the items he has for sale. He carries a selection of standard armor and weapons, as well as non-human armors and upgrades. Since the level-appropriate items he sells are randomly restocked at certain intervals in the game, you’ll want to check back from time to time to see if there’s anything new that you’d like to purchase. I’d highly recommend picking up any Medigel/Grenade Upgrades and the Devlon Industries LicenseElkoss Combine LicenseSerrice Council License, and Sirta Foundation License as soon as they become available.

If this is the first hanar you’ve spoken to, then you’ll unlock the Hanar codex entry.

23 – Keeper #6

This is yet another of the 21 different Keepers that are part of Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment. Scan it to earn some extra experience points and credits.

24 – Keeper #7

This is yet another of the 21 different Keepers that are part of Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment. Scan it to earn some extra experience points and credits.

25 – Presidium Tourism Terminal III

There are three such tourism terminals within the Citadel Presidium, and this is the third. Each terminal grants you access to Avina, a virtual intelligence program that serves as an informative guide to the Citadel’s landmarks, people, and politics. This particular terminal can tell you about the Krogan Rebellions, the Krogan Memorial Statue, and the Rachni Wars. Investigate each subject thoroughly and you’ll unlock the Rachni and Krogan: Krogan Rebellions codex entries.

26 – Citadel Rapid Transit (Consort Chambers)

Public transportation is important to the galactic community, so the fine people of Citadel Station have installed these nifty vehicles to quickly transport you to any of the station’s major locations. You’ll have to discover each one on foot first (or obtain a quest directly related to the location), though, otherwise the transit vehicle won’t allow you to choose it as a destination.

This particular destination will be labeled as “Presidium Locations – Consort Chambers” if you need to travel here from one of the other transit vehicles.

27 – Keeper #8

This is yet another of the 21 different Keepers that are part of Chorban or Jahleed’s “Citadel: Scan the Keepers” assignment. Scan it to earn some extra experience points and credits.

28 – Nelyna

Nelyna is the acolyte that handles all appointments for Sha’ira, the Asari Consort you’ve most likely heard about already. She’s willing to add your name to the long list of clients wanting to be seen, but warns that it will be three or four months before you’ll hear anything back. Speak with her about what exactly the acolytes and Consort do for people here if you’d like, then end the conversation. When you turn to leave, the Consort comes across Nelyna’s communicator to say that she’d like to meet with you immediately. Looks like you won’t be waiting three or four months after all.

29 – Sha’ira

Once the Asari Consort has requested to speak with you, you’ll be allowed to enter her private chamber here. After beginning the conversation by revealing that she’s “heard a great many things about you”, Sha’ira will tell you that she has a problem that could use your expertise. Apparently she had a falling out with a retired Turian general named Septimus and now he spends his evenings drinking in Chora’s Den spreading lies about her. Sha’ira wants you to “appeal to his sense of honor” and convince him to stop speaking ill about her. This triggers the “Citadel: Asari Consort” assignment.

After clearing up the matter with Septimus, Sha’ira will tell you that he sent her a “lovely note”. As payment, she offers you 280 credits and a “gift of words” that more-or-less defines who you are and why you make such a great leader. If you feed her the “that’s it?” Renegade dialogue option, though, then you’ll be shown a cutscene of (a male or female) Shepard and Sha’ira having sex – asari style.

If you also showed Septimus’ datapad to the Elcor diplomat, then the Consort tells you that he’s withdrawn his campaign against her. As a reward for taking care of that little problem, the Consort gives you some kind of Prothean trinket. This trinket can later be taken to the planet of Eletania in the Hercules system of the Attican Beta cluster and used to decipher information about the now extinct race. In any event, you also receive a nice experience bonus for handling the whole situation for Sha’ira.

30 – Exit to Wards

If you descend to the platform below the entrance leading into the embassies, you’ll find an elevator that leads down to the C-Sec area of the Citadel: Wards map. You won’t be able to use the elevator until you’ve had your initial audience with the Council, though.

31 – Preaching Hanar

Following your initial audience with the Citadel Council, you’ll run into a “Preaching Hanar” and a C-Sec Officer here. The hanar is busy preaching about the Enkindlers (or the Protheans, as you’ve come to know them) to the public, which is technically against the law without an evangelical permit (and even then, only in certain areas). The C-Sec Officer is attempting to stop the hanar from breaking the law, and is therefore more than willing to let you try convincing the “jelly” to depart in peace.

In order to keep the situation from escalating, you need to convince one or the other to back down. You can do this in either a Paragon or Renegade fashion, but you’ll need a significant amount of Charm or Intimidate to do so. If you’re able to get the Hanar to back down (“This is unworthy of you” or “There’s trouble anyway”), then you can speak to the C-Sec Officer for a reward of experience points and Omni-gel. If you’re able to get the C-Sec Officer to back down (“It’s not causing trouble” or “This is dangerous”), then you can speak to the Hanar for a reward of experience points and Medi-gel. You should also receive several Paragon or Renegade points, depending on whether or not you used Charm or Intimidate to defuse the situation.

32 – Samesh Bhatia

Samesh will appear in the embassy lobby after you’ve presented Tali’s evidence to Ambassador Udina and Captain Anderson. He tells you that his wife was part of the 212 unit (Ashley’s unit) on Eden Prime, and obviously didn’t survive the Geth attack. He has requested that her body be returned to him for cremation, but the military has denied all such requests without giving a reason why. With nowhere else to turn, he asks you for help (triggering the “Citadel: Homecoming” assignment) and then tells you that the man in charge of his case is Mr. Bosker in the “expensive bar” to the west (area #33). You should make your way there to get this mess cleared up.

Should you convince Clerk Bosker to release Nirali’s body through Charm or Intimidate, Samesh is quite pleased and you receive Paragon or Renegade points. If, on the other hand, you take the Alliance’s side of the debate, then you’ll have some comforting to do. With enough Charm or Intimidate, you can tell Samesh that “this is important” or “this is war” to resolve the situation quickly and without making a scene. This also results in Paragon or Renegade points. Either route will net you some experience points, as well.

33 – Clerk Bosker

If you’re helping Samesh with the “Citadel: Homecoming” assignment, then you can strike up a conversation with Mr. Bosker here to inquire about his wife’s body. Bosker tells you that Nirali Bhatia died on Eden Prime from wounds that are “inconsistent” with any type of weapon damage they’ve seen before. As a result, the Alliance is holding her body so that they might study it and develop better defenses against Geth attacks.

If you have sufficient Charm or Intimidate scores, you can tell Bosker that “this isn’t right” (Paragon) or that you’re “releasing the body” with or without his permission (Renegade). Either of these results in Bosker quickly handing over Nirali’s body to Samesh. However, you can also tell Bosker that you see eye-to-eye with the Alliance. In either event, you should return to Samesh and report the good or bad news.

34 – Signal Source #3

This is the final destination of the signal you’ve been investigating as part of the “Citadel: Signal Tracking” assignment that began in the Flux nightclub on the Citadel: Flux and Wars Access map. When you attempt to tamper with the terminal against the far wall to determine where the stolen credits are being funneled to, the artificial intelligence “inhabiting” it threatens to initiate a self-destruct protocol before speaking with you.

You can quiz the AI about its creator, its creator’s location, and its reasons for the credit-theft operation and initiating the self-destruct sequence. Regardless of how much small talk you do, though, the AI will never befriend you. It still plans to overstress certain components that it claims will kill all organic life forms within a few dozen meters. Your only choice is to let it start the initiation sequence and then try to deactivate it before it can complete.

The deactivation process is basically a little mini-game that requires you to guess which sequence of X-Y-A-B controller buttons will do the trick. The sequence you want is Y-X-Y-A-X-A-A. Once that’s punched in, the terminal will shut down and you’ll receive an experience reward for the part you played in the assignment, as well as a number of credits that the AI had stolen from the Quasar machines. You will also find that you’ve unlocked the Computers: Artificial Intelligence (AI) codex entry.

35 – Helena Blake

Helena tells you about two crimelords that are currently hiding out on remote worlds, each of which thinks the other is out to kill him. She’s currently involved in a business venture with the two of them, but doesn’t care for their practices. She claims that the two red sand dealers have been making victims of their customers and selling them into slavery. Helena intends to take over the business herself and run it in a more “tasteful” manner.

That’s where you come in. Helena wants you to eliminate the crimelords simply because they are despicable people. Obviously she has a lot to gain by your actions, but such a mission could be rewarding for you as well. If you take her up on the offer, she’ll give you three sets of coordinates and you’ll receive the “UNC: Hostile Takeover” assignment. This automatically earns you two Renegade points for essentially becoming a bounty hunter. If you decline her offer, she’ll still gives you the coordinates and the “UNC: Hostile Takeover” assignment still gets added to your journal. Getting the assignment this way earns you several Paragon points, though.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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